Llm Georgetown (2024)

1. LL.M. Degrees | Georgetown Law

  • Taxation (Resident or Online) · International Business... · Technology Law & Policy

  • Develop a speciality. Or explore broadly. The choice is yours.

2. LL.M. Degrees | Georgetown Law

  • Taxation (Resident or Online) · International Business... · National Security Law

  • Develop a speciality or explore broadly.

3. Georgetown University Law Center (GULC) - LLM GUIDE

  • Georgetown Law, in Washington, D.C., has one of the most well-established graduate programs in the United States and offers an unparalleled opportunity for ...

  • Georgetown Law, in Washington, D.C., has one of the most well-established graduate programs in the United States and offers an unparalleled opportunity for lawyers to broaden and deepen their understanding of law through advanced study. Our LL.M., S.J.D. and Certificate students come from more than 60 countries and close to 150 different law schools from around the world. Georgetown Law offers the widest variety of courses and programs of any law school in the United States.

Georgetown University Law Center (GULC) - LLM GUIDE

4. Georgetown LLM 2024/2025 applicants

Georgetown LLM 2024/2025 applicants

5. Georgetown University Law Center | The Law School Admission Council

  • LLM Programs. Georgetown Law offers the most extensive list of traditional on-campus and online LLM degrees, specialized certificate programs, and dual ...

  • The information on this page was provided by the law school.

6. Dual degree with Georgetown Law School - Paris - Sciences Po

  • The Dual Master of International Affairs and Law (M.I.A./LL.M.) established by Georgetown Law and Sciences Po is open to students who have completed a law ...

  • Georgetown University Law Center is one of the world’s premier law schools. It has the largest faculty of any law school in the United States, and is preeminent in several areas, including constitutional, international, tax and clinical law. Drawing on its Jesuit heritage, it has a strong tradition of public service and is dedicated to the

Dual degree with Georgetown Law School - Paris - Sciences Po

7. Een LLM aan Georgetown University – Dorieke in D.C. - Fulbright

  • 23 mrt 2021 · My name is Dorieke, a 2020 Fulbright scholar at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. I have a background in international relations and in ...

  • Hi everyone,

Een LLM aan Georgetown University – Dorieke in D.C. - Fulbright

8. Georgetown Law School LLM Externship - Kostelanetz LLP

  • Kostelanetz LLP welcomes applications from students enrolled in the Tax LLM program at Georgetown University Law Center for the firm's Externship Program.

  • We welcome applications from students enrolled in the Tax LLM program at Georgetown University Law Center for the firm’s Externship Program.

9. Maitrayi Jain on the LLM at Georgetown University Centre of Law

  • 13 sep 2023 · Maitrayi Jain completed an LLM from Georgetown University Law Centre in 2023, a program she applied to after working for about four years in ...

  • Choosing the LLM at Georgetown University Law Centre (GULC) wasn’t hard. It is a prestigious law school, offering diverse courses. The one thing about GULC I absolutely loved was its roster of adjunct faculties. The opportunity to be taught by industry professionals with practical experience was exciting.

Maitrayi Jain on the LLM at Georgetown University Centre of Law

10. Georgetown Legal English Blog – Teaching and learning at the ...

  • Are you a current student or an alumnus of the Georgetown Law Two-Year LLM Program? Would you like to write a post or series of posts for the Georgetown Legal ...

  • Post by Salome Adeishvili, who just completed her first year of Georgetown Law’s Two-Year LLM and will graduate in Spring 2025. Salome is from a small town called Samtredia in Georgia. Fun fact from Salome: Samtredia translates as “three pigeons.” 🙂

11. Georgetown launches LL.M. and Masters in law and technology

  • 27 jul 2020 · Georgetown University Law Center is already the largest LL.M. program in the nation, but this August the law school will have two additional ...

  • Georgetown University Law Center is already the largest LL.M. program in the nation, but this August the law school will have two additional programs to offer.  It knows how crucial technology has become to our everyday lives. That’s why the law school will be offering a Master of Law and Technol

Georgetown launches LL.M. and Masters in law and technology

12. Georgetown University Law Center | The Law School Admission Council

  • JD/LLM in Global Health Law. Transnational, International, and Comparative Law Programs. Georgetown Law has many highly regarded programs dealing with different ...

  • The information on this page was provided by the law school.

13. Tag: Best Two Year LLM - Georgetown Legal English Blog

  • 26 apr 2024 · Salome Adeishvili, ; Vishnupriya Bhonsle, ; Zhicheng Hong, ; Junsik Park, and ; Daisuke Tomita) and faculty ( ...

  • Post by Profs. Heather Weger and Julie Lake

Llm Georgetown (2024)


Is Georgetown tax LLM worth it? ›

This course is highly recommended for students who intend to practice corporate tax law because it will focus on consolidated return principles that affect corporate tax planning, mergers and acquisitions.

How long is LLM at Georgetown? ›

Students pursuing the LL. M. on a full-time basis complete the program within two semesters, starting the last week of August and graduating in mid-May. Students pursuing the program on a part-time basis must complete the program within three years of matriculation.

Is an LLM valuable? ›

Most LL. M. programs do not provide a significant early-career earnings boost compared to just getting a JD. Given their significant cost, they may not be worth it for most lawyers.

What is the most prestigious LLM in the world? ›

Harvard University

Is Georgetown Law prestigious? ›

Georgetown University Law Center is one of the top law schools in the nation and the most prestigious law school in Washington, D.C. It's that location that helps the school pull one of the largest applicant pools in the nation. Georgetown University has an odd relationship with its Jesuit roots.

Is it better to have JD or LLM? ›

The purpose of a JD is to prepare someone to practice law, while the mission of an LLM is to provide advanced training. An LLM program focuses on more theoretical concerns than a JD program. An LLM can help attorneys attract clients in fields where the credential is highly valued.

Is Georgetown Law hard to get into? ›

Admission statistics

Law school acceptance rates are notoriously competitive, and Georgetown Law is no different. With an acceptance rate of 12.9%, Georgetown Law is slightly less competitive than institutions like Harvard Law School or Yale Law School but still very selective.

What is the average salary for a Georgetown Law graduate? ›

Georgetown Law is tied for #1 in terms of the median starting salary among graduates working in private practice as law firm associates ($180,000). Georgetown Law ranks #8 in terms of library size with 1,212,577 volumes or equivalents.

How expensive is Georgetown Law? ›

Georgetown University Law School Overview

The part-time program application fee at the Law Center at Georgetown University is $85. Its tuition is full-time: $75,950. The student-faculty ratio is 4.6:1.

Which LLM is most in demand? ›

Top LLM programs
  • Master of laws in Business Law Studies.
  • Master of laws in Administrative Law Studies.
  • Master of laws in National Law Studies.
  • Master of laws in Economic Law Studies.
  • Master of laws in Jurisprudence.
  • Master of laws in Human Rights Law Studies.
  • Master of laws in Technology Law Studies.

Does an LLM increase your salary? ›

Professionals with an LL. M. tend to command higher salaries compared to those with only a basic law degree. Employers recognize the added value of specialized knowledge and are willing to compensate accordingly,” she says.

Why do lawyers get LLM? ›

The LLM was created for lawyers to expand their knowledge, study a specialized area of law, and gain international qualifications if they have earned a law degree outside the U.S. or Canada. If you're looking to advance your legal career or take the next step in your academic journey, an LLM could be for you.

What is the highest salary in LLM? ›

In India, an LLM graduate's salary typically increases with experience. Entry-level salaries range from Rs. 3,00,000 - 8,00,000 per year, but with 3-5 years' experience, it can rise to Rs. 6,00,000 - 15,00,000.

What is a good GPA for LLM? ›

Among the 191 ranked law schools that submitted grade data to U.S. News in an annual survey, the average median GPA of entering law school students in 2021 was 3.55. But at the 20 highest-ranked law schools, the average median GPA is much higher – 3.86.

Which is the best field to do an LLM? ›

The most common and popular specialisations that students choose
  • IPR Laws.
  • Business Laws.
  • Corporate Laws.
  • Techo-Laws.
  • Criminal Law.
  • Constitutional Law.
  • Human Rights.
  • International Trade Law.
Jun 28, 2024

Is LLM in taxation good? ›

Program Overview

GGU Law's Taxation LLM has been ranked as The Best Tax LLM in California by TaxTalent for the past three years, and it is consistently recognized as among the top graduate tax programs nationally for training in taxation, estate planning, and elder care.

Is Georgetown Law worth the money? ›

Decent job prospects.

Georgetown law school does well in job placements with big law firms, mainly within the beltway. In one recent study, about 1/3rd of GULC graduates were hired directly by a NLJ 250 law firm (one of the 250 largest law firms by). This figure does appear to be low relative to the rest of the T14.

Is LLM degree tax deductible? ›

The cost of an LLM is not automatically deductible: you must still meet certain criteria. For one, the LLM must be to maintain or improve skills required in your present work or it must be required by your employer or by law to keep your salary, status, or job.

Is a masters in taxation good? ›

Yes, a master's in taxation degree can be a valuable asset, leading to career advancement opportunities, higher earning potential, and a competitive advantage in the job market.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.