Complaints about SashaFierce as Moderator [Archive] (2025)

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View Full Version : Complaints about SashaFierce as Moderator

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03-03-2017, 12:36 PM

I didn't fully agree with SashaFierce becoming a moderator of these forums, because he has posted some pretty inflammatory things in regards to his personal issues with other players and personalities on these forums. But now that SashaFierce has gone and deleted posts that Luntz made regarding his objections to SashaFierce starting the cash transactions merchant feedback thread, and his objections WERE related to that thread topic, AND he then posted that he disagreed with the fact those posts were deleted, AND I posted that I agreed with him that I thought it was messed up that his initial posts in that thread were deleted, AND THEN my own post was deleted by SashaFierce, I feel this has now gone too far.

I take serious issue with SashaFierce being a moderator at this point and think the decision should be reversed and he removed as a moderator.


03-03-2017, 12:40 PM

I agree that SashaFierce acts irrationally and has many times acted petty both here and in game. He tries to appear helpful afterwards, but that is just a "Trojan Horse". I don't believe Sashafierce is capable of acting impartially, especially when he is personally involved with it. No telling how much of the past bullshit about him he has gone back and deleted now.

Kranar, if you made him a mod because he gave you money or whatever to run the forums, there are plenty of us here who would do the same. I know it has been offered several times. He isn't needed as a mod and I feel he is a detriment to the forums.


03-03-2017, 12:53 PM

I agree that SashaFierce acts irrationally and has many times acted petty both here and in game. He tries to appear helpful afterwards, but that is just a "Trojan Horse". I don't believe Sashafierce is capable of acting impartially, especially when he is personally involved with it. No telling how much of the past bullshit about him he has gone back and deleted now.

Kranar, if you made him a mod because he gave you money or whatever to run the forums, there are plenty of us here who would do the same. I know it has been offered several times. He isn't needed as a mod and I feel he is a detriment to the forums.



03-03-2017, 12:55 PM

I agree that SashaFierce acts irrationally and has many times acted petty both here and in game. He tries to appear helpful afterwards, but that is just a "Trojan Horse". I don't believe Sashafierce is capable of acting impartially, especially when he is personally involved with it. No telling how much of the past bullshit about him he has gone back and deleted now.

Kranar, if you made him a mod because he gave you money or whatever to run the forums, there are plenty of us here who would do the same. I know it has been offered several times. He isn't needed as a mod and I feel he is a detriment to the forums.



03-03-2017, 01:00 PM

I really really wanna know the thinking behind Kranar's wonky decision. He may as well have made Iorakewarhammer a mod too.


03-03-2017, 01:00 PM

I agree as well. It seems odd that someone banned from the forum some years ago is now a moderator. Especially someone who gets intensely involved with others regularly and persistently.


03-03-2017, 01:02 PM

But it's been years since we had moderation drama!

Some unsolicited advice to SF: go easy on deleting or editing posts. It never looks good and the discussion doesn't just magically disappear. Luntz is a retard but we are allowed to be retards here.


03-03-2017, 01:02 PM

I'm not one to start threads about things that annoy me but since you took it upon yourself, why not.

My complaints might not have been put in a nice way, but they were legitimate complaints and I have not embellished in how crazy he has been acting towards me for literal months, if not years. If anything I leave a lot of his dumb nonsense off of the pc because there is so much of it.

After starting a thread to harass my alt he proceeded to follow me around for literal weeks if not months in game, tracking my movements and constantly reporting me to GMs in an effort to get me banned. Not that I was doing anything wrong, it's that Alastir/Sashafierce thinks I don't belong in the game. I doubt he will deny these things because he knows how much wasted effort he put into following me around. If he does deny it, it just make it that much more pathetic.

With all that said, if he could not abuse the tiny bit of power he is given as mod, I could ignore him. When he deletes things that implicate him as an untrustworthy person, it brings serious doubt into my mind that he can be objective.


03-03-2017, 01:06 PM

I really really wanna know the thinking behind Kranar's wonky decision. He may as well have made Iorakewarhammer a mod too.

I'd prefer iw, honestly.


03-03-2017, 01:06 PM

While I have no issue with SashaFierce or Luntz, the forums have always been a place where people could state their mind without being censored or have a fear of reprisal, as much as one can fear reprisal on an anonymous forum. However, any mod that actively deletes or modifies posts, especially on topic posts, within threads is abusing their power as a mod. In my humble opinion, a mod is there to keep a conversation on topic and prevent direct attacks against a PERSON. Stating that you hate a character is not a direct attack against a person and should not be censored or moderated in any form. Stating that you disagree with a moderator shouldn't be censored. Calling a moderator a moron shouldn't be moderated because we are big people with our big people panties on. Any abuse of power needs to get addressed and responded to appropriately, however only Kranar can state what that might be.


03-03-2017, 01:13 PM

I messaged Kranar about the guy posting ludicrous, racist, violent threads calling for genocide. Other than stuff like that and spam, nothing should be deleted or censored unless by the member who posted it. How SashaFierce emerged a moderator is baffling.


03-03-2017, 01:13 PM

Sashafierce tracked down my P.C name by matching it with something I was selling on lnet then neg repped me with "HELLO <CHARACTERNAME>" in some kind of intimidation play because I disagreed with him.



03-03-2017, 01:15 PM

I agree we need mods, as some recent happenings are an indication of. However, I think it should be a public vote by the community on who becomes moderator (or gets fired from the job). If money exchanged hands to get the moderatorship then that's up to the website owner;otherwise, a person chosen by his peers is best especially with the merchant market which is very important to the game and everyone here.


03-03-2017, 01:17 PM

I agree we need mods, as some recent happenings are an indication of. However, I think it should be a public vote by the community on who becomes moderator (or gets fired from the job). If money exchanged hands to get the moderatorship then that's up to the website owner;otherwise, a person chosen by his peers is best especially with the merchant market which is very important to the game and everyone here.

You're retarded.


03-03-2017, 01:19 PM

Sashafierce tracked down my P.C name by matching it with something I was selling on lnet then neg repped me with "HELLO <CHARACTERNAME>" in some kind of intimidation play because I disagreed with him.

The day he became mod on here, he accused me(over lnet in pms) of being an old friend from GS 3 days who doesn't play anymore and would never come back, from what I know. Alastir/Sashafierce tried to connect some dots from 10-15 years ago for some insane "got ya" moment that has a perfectly reasonable explanation, if you aren't a crazy obsessive loser like he is. So the second he gets a bit of faux power on a message board, he's digging around trying to find dirt on his cyber-enemies. I wish I was making this shit up, it might actually be funny if it wasn't true.


03-03-2017, 01:26 PM

Moderators should definitely be people who havent had a fued with other people that got quite evil. Just a humble fishermans opinion


03-03-2017, 01:31 PM

I agree we need mods, as some recent happenings are an indication of. However, I think it should be a public vote by the community on who becomes moderator (or gets fired from the job). If money exchanged hands to get the moderatorship then that's up to the website owner;otherwise, a person chosen by his peers is best especially with the merchant market which is very important to the game and everyone here.
You're the worst... I'd ban you first to force you to follow through on your bullshit poll promises.


03-03-2017, 01:35 PM

I bet sashafierce is haldrik


03-03-2017, 01:36 PM

That would be interesting.


03-03-2017, 01:45 PM

Sashafierce needs to be removed as moderator. I hope Kranar takes action here.


03-03-2017, 01:47 PM

The day he became mod on here, he accused me(over lnet in pms) of being an old friend from GS 3 days who doesn't play anymore and would never come back, from what I know. Alastir/Sashafierce tried to connect some dots from 10-15 years ago for some insane "got ya" moment that has a perfectly reasonable explanation, if you aren't a crazy obsessive loser like he is. So the second he gets a bit of faux power on a message board, he's digging around trying to find dirt on his cyber-enemies. I wish I was making this shit up, it might actually be funny if it wasn't true.
After Alastir became a mod, he tracked down my real life address based on cross-referencing my private super secret cookie information from PC login information and cross-referencing it with ebay, paypal, and amazon web services information. He then drove across country to my address, knocked on my door, and said, "Hello --unknown alt character name--". Which was super awkward because I wasn't even the one that answered the door, it was my twin brother, who was visiting me for the weekend.

To make matters worse, my --unknown alt character name-- is actually a very subtly used racial slur in a made up language that I made up with my twin brother back when we were in gradeschool. So when he came to the door and called him that, it instantly started an altercation. And since we live in Texas, and we were on my property, things went south very fast. My brother grabbed one of the twenty seven loaded AR-15s that we keep right next to the door, and shot his legs off just like Lieutenant Dan. When my brother came back inside and told me what happened, I immediately logged onto my CPU, and checked PC to see who was recently browsing my profile, and I found Sashafierce's name all over it... Somehow it was responsible for all 10 most recent visitors to my account page. So I knew it had to be him.

After about an hour, the screaming from outside started to became insufferable, and I was afraid of too much blood leeching into the soil and damaging my four-year-best-in-class award winning roses, so we called an ambulance for him to take to somewhere not here. But no... this story does not end there!

Turns out, he used all of those silvers and gemstone money that he made off of ripping off all the people for every Duskruin pendants ever created to buy the best in cybernetic leg tech to replace his Lieutenant Dan legs. And the new shit is much worse. Now he spends all of his days just jumping over our property. Literally just end to end, over the five house house, and across the two acres with his little rocket boosted shiney cyber legs. We've tried placing landmines around the proximity of the land, but apparently he has just enough power to never step foot on our plot (some local people walking their dogs have not been that lucky, but, poop at your own risk). All he does day in and day out is yell out, "I'm not on your property" while soaring just out of reach. He's like a human mosquito.

This is the fourth time I'm trying to post this... all the other three true stories were deleted by Alastir!


03-03-2017, 01:52 PM

PB for mod


03-03-2017, 01:54 PM

Sashafierce needs to be removed as moderator. I hope Kranar takes action here.

And the sooner the better. There's sensitive information here, and people he doesn't like are at risk.


03-03-2017, 01:55 PM

After Alastir became a mod, he tracked down my real life address based on cross-referencing my private super secret cookie information from PC login information and cross-referencing it with ebay, paypal, and amazon web services information. He then drove across country to my address, knocked on my door, and said, "Hello --unknown alt character name--". Which was super awkward because I wasn't even the one that answered the door, it was my twin brother, who was visiting me for the weekend.

To make matters worse, my --unknown alt character name-- is actually a very subtly used racial slur in a made up language that I made up with my twin brother back when we were in gradeschool. So when he came to the door and called him that, it instantly started an altercation. And since we live in Texas, and we were on my property, things went south very fast. My brother grabbed one of the twenty seven loaded AR-15s that we keep right next to the door, and shot his legs off just like Lieutenant Dan. When my brother came back inside and told me what happened, I immediately logged onto my CPU, and checked PC to see who was recently browsing my profile, and I found Sashafierce's name all over it... Somehow it was responsible for all 10 most recent visitors to my account page. So I knew it had to be him.

After about an hour, the screaming from outside started to became insufferable, and I was afraid of too much blood leeching into the soil and damaging my four-year-best-in-class award winning roses, so we called an ambulance for him to take to somewhere not here. But no... this story does not end there!

Turns out, he used all of those silvers and gemstone money that he made off of ripping off all the people for every Duskruin pendants ever created to buy the best in cybernetic leg tech to replace his Lieutenant Dan legs. And the new shit is much worse. Now he spends all of his days just jumping over our property. Literally just end to end, over the five house house, and across the two acres with his little rocket boosted shiney cyber legs. We've tried placing landmines around the proximity of the land, but apparently he has just enough power to never step foot on our plot (some local people walking their dogs have not been that lucky, but, poop at your own risk). All he does day in and day out is yell out, "I'm not on your property" while soaring just out of reach. He's like a human mosquito.

This is the fourth time I'm trying to post this... all the other three true stories were deleted by Alastir!

See? Repeat offender.


03-03-2017, 02:20 PM

I can't stand Luntz, but I'm adult enough to just not read his posts when I see them. I feel like the only things that need moderation are bots, macgyver and spam posts.

Having said that, judging from past posting history, Sashafierce is exactly the kind of person you don't want moderating anything.


03-03-2017, 03:18 PM

Say whatever you want, in any thread you want, except for the thread I created to manage feedback about cash transactions. I want it to stay drama free so it can be easily referenced by the PC community and Wyrom, with whom I have provided relevant PC information to, in order to help resolve the scamming issue that has been taking place lately.

Deleting those was an overstep of moderator privs, and you can't even say that it was all about making sure the posts in the thread were only ones relating to the thread topic since you left other unrelated posts that were made by people other than Luntz active.


03-03-2017, 03:18 PM

After Alastir became a mod, he tracked down my real life address based on cross-referencing my private super secret cookie information from PC login information and cross-referencing it with ebay, paypal, and amazon web services information. He then drove across country to my address, knocked on my door, and said, "Hello --unknown alt character name--". Which was super awkward because I wasn't even the one that answered the door, it was my twin brother, who was visiting me for the weekend.

To make matters worse, my --unknown alt character name-- is actually a very subtly used racial slur in a made up language that I made up with my twin brother back when we were in gradeschool. So when he came to the door and called him that, it instantly started an altercation. And since we live in Texas, and we were on my property, things went south very fast. My brother grabbed one of the twenty seven loaded AR-15s that we keep right next to the door, and shot his legs off just like Lieutenant Dan. When my brother came back inside and told me what happened, I immediately logged onto my CPU, and checked PC to see who was recently browsing my profile, and I found Sashafierce's name all over it... Somehow it was responsible for all 10 most recent visitors to my account page. So I knew it had to be him.

After about an hour, the screaming from outside started to became insufferable, and I was afraid of too much blood leeching into the soil and damaging my four-year-best-in-class award winning roses, so we called an ambulance for him to take to somewhere not here. But no... this story does not end there!

Turns out, he used all of those silvers and gemstone money that he made off of ripping off all the people for every Duskruin pendants ever created to buy the best in cybernetic leg tech to replace his Lieutenant Dan legs. And the new shit is much worse. Now he spends all of his days just jumping over our property. Literally just end to end, over the five house house, and across the two acres with his little rocket boosted shiney cyber legs. We've tried placing landmines around the proximity of the land, but apparently he has just enough power to never step foot on our plot (some local people walking their dogs have not been that lucky, but, poop at your own risk). All he does day in and day out is yell out, "I'm not on your property" while soaring just out of reach. He's like a human mosquito.

This is the fourth time I'm trying to post this... all the other three true stories were deleted by Alastir!

You have a twin brother?


03-03-2017, 03:22 PM

Deleting those was an overstep of moderator privs, and you can't even say that it was all about making sure the posts in the thread were only ones relating to the thread topic since you left other unrelated posts that were made by people other than Luntz active.

If I would have removed every post that wasn't direct feedback about a transaction, people would have complained. Luntz complained because I removed his drama fest and now everyone wants to make a stink about it. People were going to complain no matter what I did. It's an adjustment period and the PC has gone without moderation for a very long time.

It's still going to be the same, I don't plan to moderate the PC and who says what. Feel free to bash me anywhere you like, except the feedback thread where people can rely on important information to protect themselves from being scammed.


03-03-2017, 03:28 PM

If I would have removed every post that wasn't direct feedback about a transaction, people would have complained. Luntz complained because I removed his drama fest and now everyone wants to make a stink about it. People were going to complain no matter what I did. It's an adjustment period and the PC has gone without moderation for a very long time.

It's still going to be the same, I don't plan to moderate the PC and who says what. Feel free to bash me anywhere you like, except the feedback thread where people can rely on important information to protect themselves from being scammed.

How about I complain?

You removed my post too, which had nothing to do with luntz.

I requested you remove my name from the positive transactions list because I didn't want to be associated with someone as untrustworthy as you. Because you are untrustworthy. And now you're going and proving it, as if it needed to be.


There were also posts from 6 or 7 other people stating you were untrustworthy and that letting you handle people's reputation about cash transactions was a bad idea based on your own history. Ososis is the only one I remember off the top of my head, but there were many. They were stated politely and accurately. And you deleted all of those too.


03-03-2017, 03:34 PM

How about I complain?

You removed my post too, which had nothing to do with luntz.

I requested you remove my name from the positive transactions list because I didn't want to be associated with someone as untrustworthy as you. Because you are untrustworthy. And now you're going and proving it, as if it needed to be.


There were also posts from 6 or 7 other people stating you were untrustworthy and that letting you handle people's reputation about cash transactions was a bad idea based on your own history. Politely and accurately. And you deleted all of those too.

I have now removed every post that isn't related to feedback.

I had already removed your name from the list as you previously requested.

I'm sorry that you feel it's not within my ability to take a name from within hundreds of posts, and put it in an organized list, but I can assure you I am capable of such difficult tasks.


03-03-2017, 03:35 PM

And now he's deleting all of the posts in there regarding his abuse of the moderator privs. At least he can't delete them here.


03-03-2017, 03:37 PM

That thread now has two replies. Haha.

Still, the question remains. How did you manage to become a moderator?


03-03-2017, 03:38 PM

Deleting all of the posts calling into question your own trustworthiness? In a thread about merchant trustworthiness... wow dude, seriously great moderating there. Delete as much information that goes against you as possible.

If fighting with Luntz makes me untrustworthy in your opinion, feel free to create a thread about it somewhere of your choosing. Except for the Merchant Feedback: Cash Transactions thread.

I would suggest: But you can make your own choice.


03-03-2017, 03:38 PM

Managed to save this one, which showed the "harmful" content of Ososis' post that he forgot to delete earlier because it was replied to in his own post.


03-03-2017, 03:38 PM


03-03-2017, 03:42 PM

After Alastir became a mod, he tracked down my real life address based on cross-referencing my private super secret cookie information from PC login information and cross-referencing it with ebay, paypal, and amazon web services information. He then drove across country to my address, knocked on my door, and said, "Hello --unknown alt character name--". Which was super awkward because I wasn't even the one that answered the door, it was my twin brother, who was visiting me for the weekend.

To make matters worse, my --unknown alt character name-- is actually a very subtly used racial slur in a made up language that I made up with my twin brother back when we were in gradeschool. So when he came to the door and called him that, it instantly started an altercation. And since we live in Texas, and we were on my property, things went south very fast. My brother grabbed one of the twenty seven loaded AR-15s that we keep right next to the door, and shot his legs off just like Lieutenant Dan. When my brother came back inside and told me what happened, I immediately logged onto my CPU, and checked PC to see who was recently browsing my profile, and I found Sashafierce's name all over it... Somehow it was responsible for all 10 most recent visitors to my account page. So I knew it had to be him.

After about an hour, the screaming from outside started to became insufferable, and I was afraid of too much blood leeching into the soil and damaging my four-year-best-in-class award winning roses, so we called an ambulance for him to take to somewhere not here. But no... this story does not end there!

Turns out, he used all of those silvers and gemstone money that he made off of ripping off all the people for every Duskruin pendants ever created to buy the best in cybernetic leg tech to replace his Lieutenant Dan legs. And the new shit is much worse. Now he spends all of his days just jumping over our property. Literally just end to end, over the five house house, and across the two acres with his little rocket boosted shiney cyber legs. We've tried placing landmines around the proximity of the land, but apparently he has just enough power to never step foot on our plot (some local people walking their dogs have not been that lucky, but, poop at your own risk). All he does day in and day out is yell out, "I'm not on your property" while soaring just out of reach. He's like a human mosquito.

This is the fourth time I'm trying to post this... all the other three true stories were deleted by Alastir!

You're my spirit animal.


03-03-2017, 03:42 PM

If fighting with Luntz makes me untrustworthy in your opinion, feel free to create a thread about it somewhere of your choosing. Except for the Merchant Feedback: Cash Transactions thread.

I would suggest: But you can make your own choice.

Where people need to know that you're untrustworthy the most is in that exact thread you're now deleting everyone's concerns out of. You are untrustworthy, biased, and filled with drama. No one should use any list upkept by you as a basis to make any decision for any reason ever. You are detrimental to the community, and zero people trust you.


03-03-2017, 03:43 PM

You're my spirit animal.

Lies! Your spirit animal is undead, if anything.


03-03-2017, 03:43 PM

You can try to make this out to be something personal between us but that's not what it's about. All I've done is provide relevant information about a person who now has mod powers over a bunch of people, whom has also shown in the past he has no problem harassing people in game and out of game if he has hurt feelings. It's really not that complicated.


03-03-2017, 03:44 PM

Where people need to know that you're untrustworthy the most is in that exact thread you're now deleting everyone's concerns out of. You are untrustworthy, biased, and filled with drama. No one should use any list upkept by you as a basis to make any decision for any reason ever. You are detrimental to the community, and zero people trust you.

Feel free to create and maintain your own list if you'd like. Nothing is stopping you.


03-03-2017, 03:45 PM

Feel free to create and maintain your own list if you'd like. Nothing is stopping you.

You stickied your thread to the top of the merchant folder. You know EXACTLY why people need to post in that thread. You just don't like that what everyone has to say is that you're untrustworthy and that your list can't be trusted.


03-03-2017, 03:48 PM

If I would have removed every post that wasn't direct feedback about a transaction, people would have complained. Luntz complained because I removed his drama fest and now everyone wants to make a stink about it. People were going to complain no matter what I did. It's an adjustment period and the PC has gone without moderation for a very long time.

It's still going to be the same, I don't plan to moderate the PC and who says what. Feel free to bash me anywhere you like, except the feedback thread where people can rely on important information to protect themselves from being scammed.

As I recall, Luntz's initial posts in that thread were complaining that you of all people, having started plenty of drama yourself on these threads, had no business starting a thread rating people based on their cash transaction feedback. If you had merely started the thread and said the purpose of this thread is for OTHERS to post their first hand knowledge regarding cash transaction feedback, that would have been one thing. But you took it upon yourself to aggregate the data from others posts and while you may have good intentions, that was still overreach by someone who's known to start drama to start including people in some unofficial list. Now I recall Luntz's posts to have been vulgarity laced, which I tend to stay away from myself, but I think it's funny when he does it because he's very consistent with his vulgarity and his choice of words amuses me. HOWEVER, his posts were directly related to his feelings about YOU starting such a thread. I don't recall them being in any way shape or form DRAMA that he was starting. He was very succinct and to the point that he disagreed with YOU posting such a list. That being said, there was no reason for you to delete his posts. He then noticed that you did and rightfully complained in that same thread that you had deleted them. I posted that I completely agreed with him that I thought it was wrong of you to have done so, and you deleted my post as well. So not only did you overreach the first time when you deleted his valid feedback in that post because it directly related to your initial start of the thread, but you did it twice more when you deleted his complaint that you deleted those first posts and certainly when you deleted mine because I am typically never involved in any PC drama and nor was I starting any. For those 3 overreaches alone, you deserve to be removed as moderator. Not to mention your past history with Haldrik on these forums and the stuff you've posted in your fights with him.


03-03-2017, 03:52 PM

You stickied your thread to the top of the merchant folder. You know EXACTLY why people need to post in that thread. You just don't like that what everyone has to say is that you're untrustworthy and that your list can't be trusted.

My list was created using posts from the other Merchant Feedback thread found here:
If my list can't be trusted, than by extension the original Merchant Feedback thread can't be trusted.

If you would take the time to actually read the list, you'll see that I have conveniently provided a link to the original feedback. So you can judge for yourself if the feedback is reliable or not.


03-03-2017, 03:55 PM

My list was created using posts from the other Merchant Feedback thread found here:
If my list can't be trusted, than by extension the original Merchant Feedback thread can't be trusted.

If you would take the time to actually read the list, you'll see that I have conveniently provided a link to the original feedback. So you can judge for yourself if the feedback is reliable or not.

No. YOU as moderator of anything, including these forums and including that list, is what cannot be trusted. Which you've proven now by deleting all four pages of that thread with people stating very valid, very polite, luntz aside, concerns. In fact, Luntz was not even the first person to voice a concern there that you erased. He was like fourth.


03-03-2017, 03:55 PM

Fucking piece of monkey shit. You even shit on people who try to treat you decent. I feel like paramedics would chuckle and watch you bleed out while they finished a smoke.

Moderate this dick.


03-03-2017, 03:56 PM

My list was created using posts from the other Merchant Feedback thread found here:
If my list can't be trusted, than by extension the original Merchant Feedback thread can't be trusted.

If you would take the time to actually read the list, you'll see that I have conveniently provided a link to the original feedback. So you can judge for yourself if the feedback is reliable or not.

Get a life.


03-03-2017, 03:56 PM

As I recall, Luntz's initial posts in that thread were complaining that you of all people, having started plenty of drama yourself on these threads, had no business starting a thread rating people based on their cash transaction feedback. If you had merely started the thread and said the purpose of this thread is for OTHERS to post their first hand knowledge regarding cash transaction feedback, that would have been one thing. But you took it upon yourself to aggregate the data from others posts and while you may have good intentions, that was still overreach by someone who's known to start drama to start including people in some unofficial list. Now I recall Luntz's posts to have been vulgarity laced, which I tend to stay away from myself, but I think it's funny when he does it because he's very consistent with his vulgarity and his choice of words amuses me. HOWEVER, his posts were directly related to his feelings about YOU starting such a thread. I don't recall them being in any way shape or form DRAMA that he was starting. He was very succinct and to the point that he disagreed with YOU posting such a list. That being said, there was no reason for you to delete his posts. He then noticed that you did and rightfully complained in that same thread that you had deleted them. I posted that I completely agreed with him that I thought it was wrong of you to have done so, and you deleted my post as well. So not only did you overreach the first time when you deleted his valid feedback in that post because it directly related to your initial start of the thread, but you did it twice more when you deleted his complaint that you deleted those first posts and certainly when you deleted mine because I am typically never involved in any PC drama and nor was I starting any. For those 3 overreaches alone, you deserve to be removed as moderator. Not to mention your past history with Haldrik on these forums and the stuff you've posted in your fights with him.

I am not personally "rating people based on their cash transactions" in the thread. I am taking feedback posted by other people and putting it into an organized list that can be easily read, with the original feedback a click away.

You are more than welcome to create your own thread, aggregate the data and maintain the list if you feel inclined to do so.


03-03-2017, 04:00 PM

Tell us how you became a moderator.


03-03-2017, 04:02 PM

My list was created using posts from the other Merchant Feedback thread found here:
If my list can't be trusted, than by extension the original Merchant Feedback thread can't be trusted.

If you would take the time to actually read the list, you'll see that I have conveniently provided a link to the original feedback. So you can judge for yourself if the feedback is reliable or not.

It's not the list that can't be trusted, it's YOU! It'd be like the convicted ponzi schemer making a list of people in his organization that could be trusted.

1. YOU have no business making lists of people who are trusted/scammers in regards to cash transactions.
2. YOU have no business telling ANYONE on these forums how to post in anyway whatsover.
3. YOU have no business being a moderator of a forum when your own posts and actions towards others have been self evident to be inflammatory at best and abusive at worst.

I am not personally "rating people based on their cash transactions" in the thread. I am taking feedback posted by other people and putting it into an organized list that can be easily read, with the original feedback a click away.

You are more than welcome to create your own thread, aggregate the data and maintain the list if you feel inclined to do so.

And as I just stated, I know you are not personally, but YOU shouldn't have been the one to do it given your history here. That is why Luntz rightfully complained.


03-03-2017, 04:08 PM

And as I just stated, I know you are not personally, but YOU shouldn't have been the one to do it given your history here. That is why Luntz rightfully complained.

Your feedback has been noted. Thank you.


03-03-2017, 04:10 PM

Dear Wrathbringer,

You have received a warning at The Gemstone IV Players' Corner.

Spammed Advertisements

Stop spamming

Original Post:
I promise to keep you busy deleting my posts in this thread of gayness you've created.
Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,
The Gemstone IV Players' Corner


03-03-2017, 04:11 PM

Dear Wrathbringer,

You have received a warning at The Gemstone IV Players' Corner.

Spammed Advertisements

Stop spamming

Original Post:
I promise to keep you busy deleting my posts in this thread of gayness you've created.
Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,
The Gemstone IV Players' Corner



03-03-2017, 04:14 PM

This link could be useful,


03-03-2017, 04:20 PM

Alastir (Focused) [Global]: "Hello."

And now it's crossed into my game. Fucking bullshit. Moderate like a champ and ban yourself.


03-03-2017, 04:22 PM

SashaFierce Forum Moderator


03-03-2017, 04:24 PM

This link could be useful,

I'm surprised this was an actual link, and not some rickroll lemonparty website.


03-03-2017, 04:24 PM

Dear Wrathbringer,

You have received a warning at The Gemstone IV Players' Corner.

Spammed Advertisements

Stop spamming

Original Post:
I promise to keep you busy deleting my posts in this thread of gayness you've created.
Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,
The Gemstone IV Players' Corner

Are warnings back?!



03-03-2017, 04:25 PM

I'm surprised this was an actual link, and not some rickroll lemonparty website.

If we're stuck with you as the forum moderator, at least we can try to help you be a good one.


03-03-2017, 04:28 PM

Hahahaha, he locked the thread. Now no one can contest, in that thread, their placement on his dumb list.


03-03-2017, 04:29 PM

Hahahaha, he locked the thread. Now no one can contest, in that thread, their placement on his dumb list.



03-03-2017, 04:31 PM



Dear Gelston,

You have received an infraction at The Gemstone IV Players' Corner.

Reason: Hypocrit
How dare he?!

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
Quote Originally Posted by AnticorRifling View Post
I'm out in the country, no neighbors within a good pistol shot.
Lied on location on profile. Reported.
All the best,
The Gemstone IV Players' Corner


03-03-2017, 04:35 PM

He's basically like Trump, don't make fun of him and he won't touch you. I say let him keep his job until he does something very serious (aka fuck with people's sales or the merchant market as a whole.)


03-03-2017, 04:38 PM

Sashafierce, banning Macgyver would make you cool.


03-03-2017, 04:39 PM

He's basically like Trump, don't make fun of him and he won't touch you. I say let him keep his job until he does something very serious (aka fuck with people's sales or the merchant market as a whole.)

You can make fun of me all you want. I'm not here to police people.

There has been a rash of scams lately that Wyrom has had to step in and take care of. My goal is to use the available PC tools to assist Wyrom in managing the scams.

The list that everyone is crying about is so that people have a list of the feedback in the 500+ post feedback thread that can be easily read and referenced.

People don't seem to mind the list, they just have a problem with me. Your complaints have been noted. Thank you.


03-03-2017, 04:39 PM

Hey SF, you want to get back in our good graces you can start by banning macgyver ^


03-03-2017, 04:40 PM

Sashafierce, banning Macgyver would make you cool.

Funny enough, that was actually one of the first requests I received.


03-03-2017, 04:40 PM

By locking the list he made, he has ensured that hardly anyone will ever see it, as it will never appear in What's New or New Posts without people replying to it.


03-03-2017, 04:42 PM

I'm not interested in moderating the forums. I wanted to maintain 1 easy to read list that people could reference for feedback without it being filled with irrelevant drama. That was obviously too much to ask.

I have locked that thread, and I'll add relevant transactions from the usual merchant feedback thread to the cash list as they're posted.

But don't you see that you've already created problems?!

I'm not interested in moderating the forums.
You already did so by deleting Luntz's original post/s that had everything to do with his disagreement of your initial post starting that thread!

I wanted to maintain 1 easy to read list that people could reference for feedback without it being filled with irrelevant drama.
You JUDGED it to be irrelevant drama then became moderator and decided to delete those posts. Why should someone with moderator power be able to make that judgement on threads THEY started? I don't see Kranar starting any threads. And although he's basically absent, at least he hasn't started a thread that more than one person had issues with and then went back and deleted the posts in that thread where people expressed concern!

I have locked that thread


03-03-2017, 04:45 PM

I should be an admin! People already love me both in game and here on the PC. Contact Kranar and ask him to make me an admin so I can make the PC great again!


03-03-2017, 04:47 PM

I should be an admin! People already love me both in game and here on the PC. Contact Kranar and ask him to make me an admin so I can make the PC great again!



03-03-2017, 04:47 PM

By locking the list he made, he has ensured that hardly anyone will ever see it, as it will never appear in What's New or New Posts without people replying to it.

The alternative option would have been less preferential to some posters who seemed to have an issue with my request to only post relevant information.

People know about the list by now, and they can reference it when and as needed.


03-03-2017, 04:49 PM

You can make fun of me all you want. I'm not here to police people.

There has been a rash of scams lately that Wyrom has had to step in and take care of. My goal is to use the available PC tools to assist Wyrom in managing the scams.

The list that everyone is crying about is so that people have a list of the feedback in the 500+ post feedback thread that can be easily read and referenced.

People don't seem to mind the list, they just have a problem with me. Your complaints have been noted. Thank you.
You keep avoiding answering the question of how you became a moderator on a forum you were banned from.


03-03-2017, 04:49 PM

You keep avoiding answering the question of how you became a moderator on a forum you were banned from.

Kranar obviously did a David Whatley amount of cocaine.


03-03-2017, 04:49 PM

You keep avoiding answering the question of how you became a moderator on a forum you were banned from.



03-03-2017, 04:52 PM

But I want him to admit it. Accountability and all that.


03-03-2017, 04:52 PM

You keep avoiding answering the question of how you became a moderator on a forum you were banned from.

I was added as a moderator to assist Wyrom with the recent scams. I have never been banned.

Full disclosure: Information from the PC was passed to Wyrom and certain PC accounts were banned. Their information was logged and that information is being monitored to prevent future attempts.


03-03-2017, 04:53 PM

I was added as a moderator to assist Wyrom with the recent scams. I have never been banned.
Not with that username, you mean.

You're still not answering the question. How did you appeal to Kranar to let you be a moderator? Why you specifically?


03-03-2017, 04:55 PM

Kranar obviously did a David Whatley amount of cocaine.


03-03-2017, 04:57 PM




03-03-2017, 04:58 PM

Why you specifically?

Cash, cocaine, and hookers. Obviously.


03-03-2017, 04:58 PM

I was added as a moderator to assist Wyrom with the recent scams. I have never been banned.

Full disclosure: Information from the PC was passed to Wyrom and certain PC accounts were banned. Their information was logged and that information is being monitored to prevent future attempts.

Exactly, why YOU specifically? If you can't tell already, the two main reasons why we are having serious issues are that it was YOU who was made moderator when we all know your history of inflammatory posts and in-game actions AND your overreaching by deleting posts that you in some way judged to be drama.


03-03-2017, 04:58 PM

Cash, cocaine, and hookers. Obviously.
Seriously? Read the room. This isn't a time for you to make jokes.


03-03-2017, 04:59 PM

But don't you see that you've already created problems?!

You already did so by deleting Luntz's original post/s that had everything to do with his disagreement of your initial post starting that thread!

Luntz original post:

Another attempt at mass faggotry, keep me off your list loser.

Luntz second post:

rl footage found of Alastir maintaining this list


03-03-2017, 05:01 PM



03-03-2017, 05:04 PM

Exactly, why YOU specifically? If you can't tell already, the two main reasons why we are having serious issues are that it was YOU who was made moderator when we all know your history of inflammatory posts and in-game actions AND your overreaching by deleting posts that you in some way judged to be drama.

I would be happy to discuss it further if you'd like to contact me via AIM.


03-03-2017, 05:05 PM

It's suspect that kranar or wyrom would choose specifically you to moderate, in fact, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I would say someone like Ardwen or even Roblar who have a impeccable and long rep should've been approached first before you.


03-03-2017, 05:06 PM

Personally I have no issues with Alastir, however knowing both his history and how people are and will continue to react to him being the moderator, he needs to be removed, there are plenty of other more acceptable and reputable options. Hell as much as I despise his politics I'd even back PB as a mod


03-03-2017, 05:08 PM

Luntz original post:

Luntz second post:

Oh great, another person who can read deleted posts. Get in the habit of what I do everyone, if you want to delete a post edit it first and delete all text and just leave a . then delete the post. There you go! No one can read your deleted post now. I know in this particular case the posts were deleted by someone else, I'm just saying...shut up!


03-03-2017, 05:08 PM

I would be happy to discuss it further if you'd like to contact me via AIM.

There is zero chance I am discussing anything with you in private. Anything you'd have to say to me via AIM in regards to my issue that you just referenced that I contact you via AIM about...

Exactly, why YOU specifically? If you can't tell already, the two main reasons why we are having serious issues are that it was YOU who was made moderator when we all know your history of inflammatory posts and in-game actions AND your overreaching by deleting posts that you in some way judged to be drama.

...can be said in public here.


03-03-2017, 05:08 PM

...can be said in public here.


03-03-2017, 05:12 PM



03-03-2017, 05:12 PM

Luntz original post:

Luntz second post:

How about the 6 or 7 other people who stated their opinions on you being unfit for that task, more politely, and in some cases, before luntz ever showed up?


03-03-2017, 05:13 PM

Personally I have no issues with Alastir, however knowing both his history and how people are and will continue to react to him being the moderator, he needs to be removed, there are plenty of other more acceptable and reputable options. Hell as much as I despise his politics I'd even back PB as a mod

Yes, I have a history of arguing with Luntz and Haldrik. Haldrik no longer plays, and Luntz is close to being kicked out of the game. Other people have formed opinions based upon those situations. I can't do anything to change that. I can only do my best to avoid the previous public displays of manhood going forward.

For what it's worth, I think you would be more than acceptable as a moderator.

If someone else would like to create a Merchant Feedback: Cash Transactions thread and maintain it, I would be happy to remove the one I created. This is a community forum, so as a community, decide who should create and maintain the list.


03-03-2017, 05:15 PM

If someone else would like to create a Merchant Feedback: Cash Transactions thread and maintain it, I would be happy to remove the one I created.

Done. GTFO. I've had problems with people in the past here too, so I'm not a perfect choice to upkeep it either. I'm happy to contribute data though to someone more appropriate. Mogonis, maybe?


03-03-2017, 05:15 PM

The biggest issue is that you were banned in 2011 according to your previous username, and now you're a Super Moderator and won't actually tell us how and why that happened.


03-03-2017, 05:19 PM

Can I be a moderator?


03-03-2017, 05:19 PM

The biggest issue is that you were banned in 2011 according to your previous username, and now you're a Super Moderator and won't actually tell us how and why that happened.

As I said, I was not banned.

I was made a super moderator by Kranar, obviously. I'm not a black hat hacker as someone asked via PM. The reason why is to help Wyrom and to prevent the scams that have taken place recently. Despite my public arguments with Luntz and Haldrik, I don't have a bad reputation with Wyrom or Simutronics. A majority of the things posted about me are exaggerations of what actually happened.


03-03-2017, 05:19 PM

Can I be a moderator?

Girls can't moderate.


03-03-2017, 05:20 PM

As I said, I was not banned.
I don't follow. Most of us know who you used to be here, and that username is banned.


03-03-2017, 05:21 PM

As I said, I was not banned.

I was made a super moderator by Kranar, obviously. I'm not a black hat hacker as someone asked via PM. The reason why is to help Wyrom and to prevent the scams that have taken place recently. Despite my public arguments with Luntz and Haldrik, I don't have a bad reputation with Wyrom or Simutronics. A majority of the things posted about me are exaggerations of what actually happened.


GTFO. Delete your bullshit merchant thread. We'll find someone more appropriate to maintain the list.


03-03-2017, 05:22 PM


GTFO. Delete your bullshit merchant thread. We'll find someone more appropriate to maintain the list.

Sorry Wesley, your feedback has been noted but I won't be deleting the thread.

I don't follow. Most of us know who you used to be here, and that username is banned.

Like I said, a majority of the things said about me aren't facts.


03-03-2017, 05:24 PM

Sorry Wesley, your feedback has been noted but I won't be deleting the thread.

If someone else would like to create a Merchant Feedback: Cash Transactions thread and maintain it, I would be happy to remove the one I created.



03-03-2017, 05:25 PM

The reason why is to help Wyrom and to prevent the scams that have taken place recently. Despite my public arguments with Luntz and Haldrik, I don't have a bad reputation with Wyrom or Simutronics.

In that case, go be a moderator on the officials. Simutronics has nothing to do with the PC, and Wyrom is one PC user out of the many, many others on this forum who you do have a bad reputation with.


03-03-2017, 05:26 PM

In that case, go be a moderator on the officials. Simutronics has nothing to do with the PC, and Wyrom is one PC user out of the many, many others on this forum who you do have a bad reputation with.

Who do you believe I have a bad reputation with?


03-03-2017, 05:32 PM

Honestly, the fact that this thread went from 0 to 11 pages so fast is telling on how unfit the moderator position is for you. Even at my full power and summoning the strength of long dead troll gods from old, I couldn't even get a thread to this level THAT quickly.

All I'm saying is we need to reassess, again, I don't debase Gemstone for poverty income like many here do (frankly if it's getting you by in RL, I support it) and I kinda don't know you or your previous incarnations, but the fact you're so controversial can really fuck up my place here. Please, let's rethink on this.


03-03-2017, 05:34 PM

It's three pages! L2vBulletin.


03-03-2017, 05:35 PM

It's three pages! L2vBulletin.
It's two pages! L2vBulletin!


03-03-2017, 05:35 PM

Back to calm.

It's not about you having a bad reputation, it's about you being less reputable than dozens of other PC users who were apparently passed over. Even if you are right in a moderation moment, it will be viewed with suspicion. Therefore it is a poor moderator choice. Further, your assistance to Wyrom and/or Simu is a role that anyone could play given the proper access.


03-03-2017, 05:37 PM

Oh snap. You're right. I never noticed more options were added.


03-03-2017, 05:39 PM

It could be one page, but I'm gonna stick to 100 posts per page.


03-03-2017, 05:40 PM

Oh God damn it. We finally get a mod and it's a dude I don't trust with a used napkin.


03-03-2017, 05:43 PM

Girls can't moderate.

You wound me, sir


03-03-2017, 05:43 PM

Who do you believe I have a bad reputation with?

You know what, I was just about to name everyone individually who had posted in this thread to show who. But that's not up to me to make a list of those people based on their previous posts. Their previous posts stand for themselves.


03-03-2017, 05:47 PM

Back to calm.

It's not about you having a bad reputation, it's about you being less reputable than dozens of other PC users who were apparently passed over. Even if you are right in a moderation moment, it will be viewed with suspicion. Therefore it is a poor moderator choice. Further, your assistance to Wyrom and/or Simu is a role that anyone could play given the proper access.

It seems contradictory to say it's not about you having a bad reputation and then follow that up by saying it's about you being less reputable. Although, I agree there are other people who could do the job just fine.

This thread started because I removed messages made by Luntz, which I posted above, that were unnecessary and irrelevant. He claims that I follow him around, but he was the one who couldn't refrain from making comments about me. Viekn for whatever reason decided to take up the torch to defend his honor.


03-03-2017, 05:48 PM

Probably 75% of the threads here have unnecessary and irrelevant responses. That's what makes the PC the PC.


03-03-2017, 05:50 PM

Oh God damn it. We finally get a mod and it's a dude I don't trust with a used napkin.

I laughed but have to spread rep. RIP.


03-03-2017, 05:50 PM

You know what, I was just about to name everyone individually who had posted in this thread to show who. But that's not up to me to make a list of those people based on their previous posts. Their previous posts stand for themselves.

I guess I should have clarified the feedback I was looking for. Who have I actually had a bad interaction with in the game? People may have formed opinions about me based upon previous PC threads, but to my knowledge I don't have any beef with anyone in game, except for Luntz.

As an example, have you and I ever had a bad interaction? Or do you dislike me based upon the drama with Luntz or Haldrik?


03-03-2017, 05:52 PM

I still wonder if Kranar was hacked.


03-03-2017, 05:52 PM

Probably 75% of the threads here have unnecessary and irrelevant responses. That's what makes the PC the PC.

I agree. 99.99% of the threads remain that way.

I was trying to create 1 reliable thread for feedback because of recent scams. And someone made an effort to make it a problem.


03-03-2017, 05:56 PM

You wound me, sir

+1 For not going full Time4fun


03-03-2017, 05:57 PM

I will say I've never personally had issues with SF, and hope to continue not having issues with him. That being said, I do not agree with the removal of posts, regardless of content.


03-03-2017, 05:58 PM

+1 For not going full Time4fun

Tgo and I have an understanding. Also, I try not to take myself too seriously anymore. Try being the key word.


03-03-2017, 05:58 PM

I will say I've never personally had issues with SF, and hope to continue not having issues with him. That being said, I do not agree with the removal of posts, regardless of content.
I haven't really either, but banned to moderator. Kranar doesn't really give a shit about the PC. He's kind enough to keep it running for us. He didn't respond to my messages about the guy posting genocide posts, but he managed to choose SashaFierce to moderate. That's just kind of fishy to me.


03-03-2017, 05:59 PM

This thread started because I removed messages made by Luntz, which I posted above, that were unnecessary and irrelevant. Viekn for whatever reason decided to take up the torch to defend his honor.

Luntz noticed you deleted his original posts. Then Luntz posted a comment that you had deleted them and he took issue with that. I agreed with Luntz and simply posted something to the effect of "Holy crap, you're right. That's messed up". Both of which, based on 1000's of other posts made on these forums, were completely within reason to post. And you then proceeded to delete Luntz's post and my post. You sir made a mistake messing with me.


03-03-2017, 06:00 PM

I will say I've never personally had issues with SF, and hope to continue not having issues with him. That being said, I do not agree with the removal of posts, regardless of content.

I can move all of the posts from that thread here if people want them.

They won't be available in that thread as it's going to remain drama free so it can be used as a reference without all the nonsense.


03-03-2017, 06:01 PM



03-03-2017, 06:04 PM


Yeah, we noticed him a year or so ago. Never posted, never did anything. No clue who it is. Admin though.


03-03-2017, 06:05 PM

Yeah, we noticed him a year or so ago. Never posted, never did anything. No clue who it is. Admin though.

Everyone noticed and didn't tell me? :(


03-03-2017, 06:07 PM

we told you, but as usual you just ignored us


03-03-2017, 06:07 PM

Everyone noticed and didn't tell me? :(

No one cares about you.


03-03-2017, 06:08 PM

Luntz noticed you deleted his original posts. Then Luntz posted a comment that you had deleted them and he took issue with that. I agreed with Luntz and simply posted something to the effect of "Holy crap, you're right. That's messed up". Both of which, based on 1000's of other posts made on these forums, were completely within reason to post. And you then proceeded to delete Luntz's post and my post. You sir made a mistake messing with me.

Yes, I deleted his posts, because he was acting a fool and trying to turn yet another thread into a shit show.

Do you agree that we should have feedback to reference?

Do you agree that a list of all the feedback is easier to read than going through 500 posts trying to find a reference for a person?

Do you agree that it's a good idea to list all of the known scammers in one place for reference?

Anyone can create a list and maintain it, nobody has stepped up to do it. You're happy to bitch about me doing it, but nobody has made an effort to actually make a convenient reference to protect the community.


03-03-2017, 06:09 PM

we told you, but as usual you just ignored us


No one cares about you.



03-03-2017, 06:10 PM

Yes, I deleted his posts, because he was acting a fool and trying to turn yet another thread into a shit show.

Do you agree that we should have feedback to reference?

Do you agree that a list of all the feedback is easier to read than going through 500 posts trying to find a reference for a person?

Do you agree that it's a good idea to list all of the known scammers in one place for reference?

Anyone can create a list and maintain it, nobody has stepped up to do it. You're happy to bitch about me doing it, but nobody has made an effort to actually make a convenient reference to protect the community.

It was over and done with though. He wasn't continuing to post. It would have all been forgotten and this thread probably wouldn't exist otherwise.


03-03-2017, 06:10 PM

Tgo and I have an understanding. Also, I try not to take myself too seriously anymore. Try being the key word.

Totally makes you a contender for the Shiva award.


03-03-2017, 06:12 PM

Totally makes you a contender for the Shiva award.

I have no idea wtf that is.

Well, I Googled it and all I can say is... yay? :rah:


03-03-2017, 06:17 PM

I have no idea wtf that is.

Well, I Googled it and all I can say is... yay? :rah:


03-03-2017, 06:21 PM

It was over and done with though. He wasn't continuing to post. It would have all been forgotten and this thread probably wouldn't exist otherwise.

That's a possibility. Given his previous actions I don't know that it's true, but maybe.

For someone who says I follow him around, he could have just ignored it and not commented at all.

Another attempt at mass faggotry, keep me off your list loser.

Comments like that aren't exactly trying to avoid conflict with someone.

I think he was bound to have an issue with me as a moderator regardless of what happened in that thread because of our history.

I can only restate once again, I'm trying to assist the community in maintaining safe transactions for silvers/items/simucoins and preventing scams. I'm not here to moderate or police what you do or say. Except in 1 specific spot. That shouldn't be too much to ask. Feel free to bash me anywhere else you want.

If all cash transactions could in some way be mediated through the PC, via post or username. We could easily get rid of people trying to pull a scam.

If you're buying silvers or an item from someone for cash, ask them for their PC username, send them a message, make them reply to verify it's them. The same goes for a seller, if they're selling silvers or items for cash over lnet, ask for their PC name, send them a message, wait for a reply. The PC provides certain tools that make it easier to track someone.


03-03-2017, 06:25 PM

Two things:

Didn't we have a perfectly fine merchant feedback thread that wasn't filled with too much shenanigans?

Your name is all up in my Merchant Markets page, and it's uglying up my merchanting. I need my UI to look clean.


03-03-2017, 06:32 PM

Two things:

Didn't we have a perfectly fine merchant feedback thread that wasn't filled with too much shenanigans?

Your name is all up in my Merchant Markets page, and it's uglying up my merchanting. I need my UI to look clean.

We really did. I wonder if either A. Kranar was hacked or B. he honestly didn't know who SF was and thought it was a new poster with good initiative.


03-03-2017, 06:33 PM

Haldrik no longer plays, and Luntz is close to being kicked out of the game.

Whether or not Luntz is going to be "kicked out" is irrelevant. You have no idea if that's true to start with, and it means nothing in respect to having a voice on the merchant portion of PC anyway. Luntz, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, is nothing but a 100% reliable merchant, so whether you think he's going to get banned for what I'm assuming are prior scripting violations doesn't matter here. I've no comment on Haldrik, or any other PC drama you might have, but from someone who prides himself in his apathy, seeing the outcry in the community might make one reconsider their newly appointed moderator position. Good moderation isn't noticeable, and this certainly hasn't gone unnoticed.


03-03-2017, 06:33 PM

We really did. I wonder if either A. Kranar was hacked or B. he honestly didn't know who SF was and thought it was a new poster with good initiative.

I doubt he was hacked. If he was, SashaFierce would be doing a whole shit load more than locking one thread and deleting the responses in it.


03-03-2017, 06:36 PM

He probably just emailed Kranar and was like8392


03-03-2017, 06:37 PM

What the fuck happened here. I turn my back for one minute and shit goes to hell.

Anyone with questions about this change can email Kranar at


03-03-2017, 06:38 PM

Whether or not Luntz is going to be "kicked out" is irrelevant. You have no idea if that's true to start with, and it means nothing in respect to having a voice on the merchant portion of PC anyway. Luntz, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, is nothing but a 100% reliable merchant, so whether you think he's going to get banned for what I'm assuming are prior scripting violations doesn't matter here. I've no comment on Haldrik, or any other PC drama you might have, but from someone who prides himself in his apathy, seeing the outcry in the community might make one reconsider their newly appointed moderator position. Good moderation isn't noticeable, and this certainly hasn't gone unnoticed.

Kalros isn't gone, he's just taking a break. I'm not "almost kicked out", that's just Alastir's butthurt feelings and wishful thinking. I also love that he claims I am exaggerating about his harassment, if anything I am downplaying exactly how much of a loser he is. Not sure what you would call planting f2p characters for weeks/months to track someones in game movements based on out of game drama.

I call it, pathetic bordering on mental problems, then again I fueled the fire of his stupidity. I've never claimed otherwise.


03-03-2017, 06:38 PM

Even with a master list of all legit cash transaction users, this in no way means that one of these 'legit users' can turn rogue, as happened before. Like Wyrom has said, it's buyer beware. And you have to realize a person directly involved with the silvers for cash market regulating said market is the exact definition of the old saying "foxes guarding the hen house." Someone like Ardwen who's got more to lose than gain by pulling off a scam is a more logical choice or someone like Roblar who's a known GS fanatic.


03-03-2017, 06:40 PM

To be clear, I don't have an issue with SF the poster however, he's been involved in a lot more drama than I'm comfortable with. We want laid back, easy going mods who are basically invisible.


03-03-2017, 06:42 PM

Whether or not Luntz is going to be "kicked out" is irrelevant. You have no idea if that's true to start with, and it means nothing in respect to having a voice on the merchant portion of PC anyway. Luntz, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, is nothing but a 100% reliable merchant, so whether you think he's going to get banned for what I'm assuming are prior scripting violations doesn't matter here. I've no comment on Haldrik, or any other PC drama you might have, but from someone who prides himself in his apathy, seeing the outcry in the community might make one reconsider their newly appointed moderator position. Good moderation isn't noticeable, and this certainly hasn't gone unnoticed.

It's been a long time since the PC has had a moderator. I imagine any moderator, doing anything would be noticed and commented on.

Having said that, if someone like Ardwen would be a more appropriate moderator, I'm sure I can be easily replaced.

For now, I'll continue to monitor for scams and update the merchant feedback: cash transactions thread as needed.

Feel free to resume your usual PC shenanigans.


03-03-2017, 06:43 PM

Seriously, the PC is pretty bullet proof but a poor choice in mods might change that.


03-03-2017, 06:44 PM




03-03-2017, 06:47 PM

I think there are some problems with a list such as this (no matter who maintains it.)

First you have the problem of people not trusting who is maintaining the list, this could go for literally anyone. Even though I'm loved and adored by almost everyone I'm sure there would be a few people out there who wouldn't like the idea of me deciding who is a "good" buyer/seller and who has a "bad" standing, even if all I'm doing is linking to posts others have made. Who is to say I'm being totally impartial and actually adding good/bad people to the list and not just ignoring the "bad" posts for people I like?

Not to mention if someone is listed as a "good" buyer/seller, then it turns out someone has a bad interaction with this person, where does that leave us? Are we supposed to automatically believe the person who has a "good" standing simply because some list said so? Can this person refer to their standing on this list as a defense? Is the list maintainer going to take personal responsibility for someone they had listed in "good" standing ripping someone else off?

The final problem with this list is in a lot of cases you simply linked to one post made by one person and from that you have decided they are good or bad, with absolutely no follow up. Now I know a lot of times people don't bother to refute bad interactions or accusations of fraud against them, but a lot of people do. What do you do in this case, where one person says Joe Blow is a scammer and Joe Blow says he's not a scammer? Do you make a judgement call? Who are you to make said judgement call?

Honestly if the community actually wants such a list the best thing to do is to maintain a single post that is completely neutral and lets people arrive at their own conclusions of who is "good" and who is "bad." How would this work? I think the simplest way of doing this is to insist on people making a new thread altogether about a bad interaction they have with someone, if they don't want to start a new thread then the maintainer of the list can start a thread themselves and simply quote/link the person who made the original claim. Then on the list simply list the person's name and link to the thread with no mention of the person being "good" or "bad." Now people can simply find the person's name, click the link, add in their own two cents to the discussion, and read all of the information themselves to arrive at their own conclusion instead of having a third party tell them if the person is "good" or "bad."


03-03-2017, 06:49 PM

Even with a master list of all legit cash transaction users, this in no way means that one of these 'legit users' can turn rogue, as happened before. Like Wyrom has said, it's buyer beware. And you have to realize a person directly involved with the silvers for cash market regulating said market is the exact definition of the old saying "foxes guarding the hen house." Someone like Ardwen who's got more to lose than gain by pulling off a scam is a more logical choice or someone like Roblar who's a known GS fanatic.

You always name drop like a fan girl. Your opinions, even when correct, are stupid.


03-03-2017, 06:51 PM

Yes, I deleted his posts, because he was acting a fool and trying to turn yet another thread into a shit show.

He's Luntz and this is the PC. He can act a fool if he wants. You've acted a fool and turned threads into shit shows with your back and forth with Haldrik. It wasn't your original post of that cash transaction feedback thread that was the issue, it was your deleting of posts YOU judged to be irrelevant or inferior. Whether others like it or not, you have every right to post aggregate data based on other people's feedback of cash transactions. But other people have the right to disagree with you, even in a vulgar manner, without you deleting their posts. You crossed a line though when you deleted posts you judged were a shit show. Your initial post would have stood fine by itself had you not deleted posts from it.

Do you agree that we should have feedback to reference?
Yes, it's all already there.

Do you agree that a list of all the feedback is easier to read than going through 500 posts trying to find a reference for a person?
Yes, but it shouldn't have been you to do so. And if you were smart, you should have realized that you doing it would cause issues for a fair number of people, and that fact alone should have stopped you from doing so.

Do you agree that it's a good idea to list all of the known scammers in one place for reference?
Yes, but see above why it was a bad idea for you to be the one to have done it. But like I've already mentioned, it's not that fact that you did it. You undermined your own credibility by censoring those that disagreed with you doing it. That fact that you went and deleted posts that were critical of you posting it completely discredits the list now entirely. Congratulations on completely shitting on an effort that was well intentioned and could possibly have helped some people avoid being scammed. That, on top of everything else I've mentioned, is yet another reason why you should never have been made a moderator and should be removed as one as soon as possible.


03-03-2017, 06:54 PM

I think there are some problems with a list such as this (no matter who maintains it.)

First you have the problem of people not trusting who is maintaining the list, this could go for literally anyone. Even though I'm loved and adored by almost everyone I'm sure there would be a few people out there who wouldn't like the idea of me deciding who is a "good" buyer/seller and who has a "bad" standing, even if all I'm doing is linking to posts others have made. Who is to say I'm being totally impartial and actually adding good/bad people to the list and not just ignoring the "bad" posts for people I like?

Not to mention if someone is listed as a "good" buyer/seller, then it turns out someone has a bad interaction with this person, where does that leave us? Are we supposed to automatically believe the person who has a "good" standing simply because some list said so? Can this person refer to their standing on this list as a defense? Is the list maintainer going to take personal responsibility for someone they had listed in "good" standing ripping someone else off?

The final problem with this list is in a lot of cases you simply linked to one post made by one person and from that you have decided they are good or bad, with absolutely no follow up. Now I know a lot of times people don't bother to refute bad interactions or accusations of fraud against them, but a lot of people do. What do you do in this case, where one person says Joe Blow is a scammer and Joe Blow says he's not a scammer? Do you make a judgement call? Who are you to make said judgement call?

Honestly if the community actually wants such a list the best thing to do is to maintain a single post that is completely neutral and lets people arrive at their own conclusions of who is "good" and who is "bad." How would this work? I think the simplest way of doing this is to insist on people making a new thread altogether about a bad interaction they have with someone, if they don't want to start a new thread then the maintainer of the list can start a thread themselves and simply quote/link the person who made the original claim. Then on the list simply list the person's name and link to the thread with no mention of the person being "good" or "bad." Now people can simply find the person's name, click the link, add in their own two cents to the discussion, and read all of the information themselves to arrive at their own conclusion instead of having a third party tell them if the person is "good" or "bad."

I have to agree.


03-03-2017, 06:55 PM

The capability of easily finding people in the Merchant Feedback thread is already there. At the top right of the thread is a selection for Search Thread. Put in the person's name and press Search. BLAMO! You now have a list of posts in that thread which contain the name you searched for. You get to see all such posts, who wrote them, and any other information on them.


03-03-2017, 07:10 PM

Damn. Has the world ended? This is straight up fucking insanity.

SashaFirece/Alastir is the greasiest weasel snake that has ever existed. His self-ignorance is so far gone that he actually believes the bullshit he shovels is gold. He's the most dangerous kind of fanatic.

Alastir, we had back and forth because you are a legit fucking scammer and predator. You would sell out your own mom to make a single dollar.

The last incident you were deeply involved in was with the bullshit surrounding the deeply hooded cloaks. You bought a bunch of the cloaks, then reported/assisted, and got the cloaks removed. This is a perfect example of how you operate.

You are the literal definition of a HMC. How many times a week do you email Wyrom about something? How many times a day do you report? How often do you twist a story to your advantage?

Fucking Krammar got Wyrmtongued.


03-03-2017, 07:25 PM

Not really personally giving a shit about anyone involved here, I will say if I had to draw a venn diagram of "people who should be moderators" and "people that have a 150+ post thread about why they shouldn't be moderators" it would look like this


03-03-2017, 07:29 PM

I dunno, I just buy and sell things.

I've never figured out why some people seem to require some amount of drama in everything they do. It doesn't have to be like this.

There is a logical solution to every problem. I firmly believe that, and I've yet to be proven wrong.


03-03-2017, 07:30 PM

I dunno, I just buy and sell things.

I've never figured out why some people seem to require some amount of drama in everything they do. It doesn't have to be like this.

There is a logical solution to every problem. I firmly believe that, and I've yet to be proven wrong.



03-03-2017, 07:33 PM

He's Luntz and this is the PC. He can act a fool if he wants. You've acted a fool and turned threads into shit shows with your back and forth with Haldrik. It wasn't your original post of that cash transaction feedback thread that was the issue, it was your deleting of posts YOU judged to be irrelevant or inferior. Whether others like it or not, you have every right to post aggregate data based on other people's feedback of cash transactions. But other people have the right to disagree with you, even in a vulgar manner, without you deleting their posts. You crossed a line though when you deleted posts you judged were a shit show. Your initial post would have stood fine by itself had you not deleted posts from it.

Yes, it's all already there.

Yes, but it shouldn't have been you to do so. And if you were smart, you should have realized that you doing it would cause issues for a fair number of people, and that fact alone should have stopped you from doing so.

Yes, but see above why it was a bad idea for you to be the one to have done it. But like I've already mentioned, it's not that fact that you did it. You undermined your own credibility by censoring those that disagreed with you doing it. That fact that you went and deleted posts that were critical of you posting it completely discredits the list now entirely. Congratulations on completely shitting on an effort that was well intentioned and could possibly have helped some people avoid being scammed. That, on top of everything else I've mentioned, is yet another reason why you should never have been made a moderator and should be removed as one as soon as possible.

All of this is logical.

Again, not taking a side, per se, just saying...those arguments are fundamentally sound.


03-03-2017, 07:39 PM

You always name drop like a fan girl. Your opinions, even when correct, are stupid.

I feel bad for Wyrom if this guy goes to Simucon.


03-03-2017, 07:40 PM

I feel bad for Wyrom if this guy goes to Simucon.

He'd have someone to powder his nuts for him though, if he wants that sorta thing.


03-03-2017, 07:46 PM

I used to be a moderator on Psinet, back in the day...I was eventually removed from that duty because I was an asshat and allowed my personal feelings to get in the way of my specifically neutral duty as a mod.

I learned my lesson. Although Lnet is set up quite a bit differently from Psinet, in the fact that Merchant channel is basically mine and I can do whatever the fuck I want...I understand the negative ramifications of abusing that position, in the grand scheme of things. I could permaban everyone I don't personally get along with, with no fear of "losing" my "position", but that would do a great disservice to everyone else that isn't me.

I think of PC more like old Psinet, in that the actions of mods MUST be completely neutral, and reserved to actual moderation of the boards...and should be subject to general community consensus.


03-03-2017, 08:00 PM

To be clear, I don't have an issue with SF the poster however, he's been involved in a lot more drama than I'm comfortable with. We want laid back, easy going mods who are basically invisible.

I made a case awhile back for either Fallen or Whirlin or both to be mods but all I got back from Kranar was crickets.


03-03-2017, 08:01 PM

The last incident you were deeply involved in was with the bullshit surrounding the deeply hooded cloaks. You bought a bunch of the cloaks, then reported/assisted, and got the cloaks removed. This is a perfect example of how you operate.

Can someone point me in the direction of this thread for my own entertainment purposes?


03-03-2017, 08:02 PM

I made a case awhile back for either Fallen or Whirlin or both to be mods but all I got back from Kranar was crickets.

I'd second a nomination for Whirlin, if he even wanted the position.

Dude is pretty solid.


03-03-2017, 08:03 PM

He'd have someone to powder his nuts for him though, if he wants that sorta thing.

Are you into nut powdering?


03-03-2017, 08:03 PM

I made a case awhile back for either Fallen or Whirlin or both to be mods but all I got back from Kranar was crickets.

Sounds like two solid suggestions.


03-03-2017, 08:04 PM

Are you into nut powdering?

I like to have my female servants powder my nuts at least three times a day while I lounge on my divan.


03-03-2017, 08:24 PM

What the fuck happened here. I turn my back for one minute and shit goes to hell.

But Mommy we were trying to be good...honest...


03-03-2017, 08:29 PM

But Mommy we were trying to be good...honest...

You're retarded.


03-03-2017, 08:33 PM

Seeing Sashas's name on every merchant forum category makes me gag.


03-03-2017, 08:49 PM

I made a case awhile back for either Fallen or Whirlin or both to be mods but all I got back from Kranar was crickets.

I think Fallen would be good. Probably Whirlin too. His politics are shit but Warriorbird might be decent too.


03-03-2017, 08:54 PM

I think Wrathbringer would be good.


03-03-2017, 08:55 PM

I think Wrathbringer would be good.

Only Wrathbringer thinks Wrathbringer would be good.


03-03-2017, 08:59 PM

I think Fallen would be good. Probably Whirlin too. His politics are shit but Warriorbird might be decent too.

I'd also second Warriorbird...though I agree his politics are shit.

That actually brings up the most important point...maturity is the single greatest deciding factor in something like this.

A good mod is able to completely separate personal feelings from duty of position.

I remember when that was an important trait for journalists.


03-03-2017, 09:02 PM

Having said that, if someone like Ardwen would be a more appropriate moderator, I'm sure I can be easily replaced.

For now, I'll continue to monitor for scams and update the merchant feedback: cash transactions thread as needed.

Feel free to resume your usual PC shenanigans.

Dear Inspire ( we're going to call you that instead of the name you use now so you realize we know who you posted as previously/act AMAZINGLY like ),

You are by far one of the worst people I could ever believe to associate with over the Internet. I fear your chromosome count is so low you make children with down syndrome cover their ears and fall into a fetal position at the mere concept of your fingers making clacking noises on a keyboard. I pray to everything holy for the sake of my children, you are barren and/or otherwise unable to procreate to taint the genetic pool any further than it already is.

The information above means absolutely nothing in regards to you being a moderator. This is a simple internet forum, no one really gives a damn about what you do, in most cases. The glaring exception, is imposing your judgement on people you have no right to deem appropriate or not. Like you, some people have a lot bearing for their perceived reputation, except they aren't pieces of offal that change handles to avoid consequences for their actions ( seem a little familiar? ). For some, a potential source of income is at stake, one you have absolutely zero privilege to attempt to modify on the behalf of everyone. In fact, I'd say you could moderate anything else on the PC, with the exception of merchanting. Besides a lack of chromosomes, common sense, reading comprehension, impartiality, and manners, you do not have the single most important aspect that people would want for this role.

A sense of ethics and morals.

Review some of your old work. Don't get asshurt and get feelings involved, read it like you were someone brand new to the Player's Corner wanting to sell some things from an old account they reactivated. Would you trust the person who posted? If the answer is anything but no, you're absolutely delusional.

I have serious doubts that someone like Wyrom would provide his blessing, provided the amount of pain you have created in Staff email. I don't know, or care, how you happened to become a moderator. It is Kranar's boards, he pays the hosting fee, whatever. The fact that you are near constantly in the midst of a Bill Paxton-Twister like adventure of shit with nearly every transaction you attempt to accomplish should be a prime indicator that you have no business being involved in this.

I highly suggest you find another hobby. Magic tricks, coin collecting, hygiene, I mean the world is your oyster in this regard.


03-03-2017, 09:04 PM

I think Wrathbringer would be good.

All our custom titles would involve sharting references.


03-03-2017, 09:07 PM

All our custom titles would involve sharting references.

Almost 5k posts, luminary in the politics and merchant threads, and yet I still don't have a custom title.

Quit lording your high position over us plebes. We don't care about your 1% issues.


03-03-2017, 09:09 PM

Almost 5k posts, luminary in the politics and merchant threads, and yet I still don't have a custom title.

Quit lording your high position over us plebes. We don't care about your 1% issues.

lol I bought mine. Kranar had a money shortage a long time ago and I gave him money in return for a custom title. It used to be "Underachiever" but Anticor changed it and I like it better now.


03-03-2017, 09:10 PM

lol I bought mine. Kranar had a money shortage a long time ago and I gave him money in return for a custom title. It used to be "Underachiever" but Anticor changed it and I like it better now.



03-03-2017, 09:11 PM

Hey, that's a way SashaFierce could garner some goodwill...give people who want it custom titles.

Geijon Khyree

03-03-2017, 09:12 PM

He still a mod at this point? Sheesh. Why did it ever happen. Do we target Kranar next since all he had to do was read Alastir's recent activity to know this wasnt a wise decision.


03-03-2017, 09:12 PM

Maybe Inspire bought his mod position and Haldrik can also buy one and they goto war with each other with all of us as collateral damage.


03-03-2017, 09:17 PM

Almost 5k posts, luminary in the politics and merchant threads, and yet I still don't have a custom title.

Quit lording your high position over us plebes. We don't care about your 1% issues.

I want a custom title. :(


03-03-2017, 09:28 PM

I made a case awhile back for either Fallen or Whirlin or both to be mods but all I got back from Kranar was crickets.

Both solid choices. I've also tried to contact Kranar before but have never gotten a response.


03-03-2017, 09:44 PM

Both solid choices. I've also tried to contact Kranar before but have never gotten a response.

Did you list Wyrom as a reference?


03-03-2017, 09:46 PM

Having said that, if someone like Ardwen would be a more appropriate moderator, I'm sure I can be easily replaced.

He's humble. I think this is the best route. Also Anticor deleted plenty of posts.


03-03-2017, 10:04 PM

Wasn't me Rhonda

One custom title please


03-03-2017, 10:42 PM

I trust Kranar.


03-03-2017, 10:58 PM


GTFO. Delete your bullshit merchant thread. We'll find someone more appropriate to maintain the list.

LOL...maybe you can make a list on your new and improved GS forum............................................. .......


03-03-2017, 11:34 PM

Say whatever you want, in any thread you want, except for the thread I created to manage feedback about cash transactions. I want it to stay drama free so it can be easily referenced by the PC community and Wyrom, with whom I have provided relevant PC information to, in order to help resolve the scamming issue that has been taking place lately.

I have no plans to moderate the PC.

You are free to say whatever you want, to whomever you want in any thread but that one. If Luntz feels the need to say mean things to/about me, he can use any of the other threads to do so.

Just as a general FYI, I cannot see your PM's, I cannot see your passwords. I don't have access to any "sensitive" information but I do have tools available that will help to prevent scamming.

Bullshit. The other threads you deleted are still indexed by google. You can find them by searching eg " alastir scam"


03-03-2017, 11:50 PM

Bullshit. The other threads you deleted are still indexed by google. You can find them by searching eg " alastir scam"

Yup. Holy shit.

He also apparently deleted this thread for some reason:

All I can see from Google is:

Originally Posted by SashaFierce View Post. 1. Capped DElf Sorc - makes 2m a week easily (8m+ per month). Gotta sell Teclys after starting a ...


03-03-2017, 11:58 PM

Yup. Holy shit.

He also apparently deleted this thread for some reason:

All I can see from Google is:

Originally Posted by SashaFierce View Post. 1. Capped DElf Sorc - makes 2m a week easily (8m+ per month). Gotta sell Teclys after starting a ...

Ah ha, I found a Google cache of this elsewhere:

In case we lose it here is what's inside:

05-26-2016, 02:59 AM
05-26-2016, 03:48 AM
1. Capped DElf Sorc - makes 2m a week easily (8m+ per month)

Gotta sell Teclys after starting a buncha bullshit drama in game eh? Buyer beware, known scammer Alastir won't mention it but here ya go
05-26-2016, 03:54 AM
It's not exactly a secret to anyone who reads the PC.

Two idiots were dumb, and got annihilated by a bad ass sorcerer.

The drama is over though, Thorns was just salty and wanted to paste his kill.
05-26-2016, 06:33 AM
Good riddance!
05-26-2016, 08:01 AM
He took a diamond. I took his life.
05-26-2016, 12:13 PM
Lord Orbstar
05-26-2016, 09:53 PM
I interested in the rogue. Stats and such?
05-26-2016, 11:39 PM
He stopped making money from merchanting because everyone realized what a scammer he is. He had to close up shop because his chinese overlords stop paying his monthly bill.

Good riddance!
05-26-2016, 11:44 PM
Chinese overlord? Who hoy?
05-27-2016, 12:31 AM
He stopped making money from merchanting because everyone realized what a scammer he is. He had to close up shop because his chinese overlords stop paying his monthly bill.

Good riddance!

I think you're confused. It's been proven that I didn't scam anyone.

It's ironic that you're trying to shit on my thread after whining so much about me calling you cheap for offering 10m for a pendant.
05-27-2016, 01:49 AM
I think you're confused. It's been proven that I didn't scam anyone.

It's ironic that you're trying to shit on my thread after whining so much about me calling you cheap for offering 10m for a pendant.

Nothing was proven and nothing is ironic here. Do you need a dictionary?
05-27-2016, 01:59 AM
Nothing was proven and nothing is ironic here. Do you need a dictionary?

Get a life Bryan. All that coke you've been snorting is making you insane.
05-27-2016, 02:00 AM
Get a life Bryan. All that coke you've been snorting is making you insane.

Are you sure you want to admit I have enough money to buy coke? Maybe you meant heroine?
05-27-2016, 02:03 AM
If Haldrik really wanted you gone, he and his boyfriend Luntz wouldn't shit on your thread at all. They'd probably try to help you sale out so you'd go away. Nope, instead they are trying to make it harder for you to sale out. They obviously want you in their love triangle.
05-27-2016, 02:06 AM
They obviously want you in their love triangle.

The human love centipede.
05-27-2016, 02:09 AM
Are you sure you want to admit I have enough money to buy coke? Maybe you meant heroine?

Probably offer to pay your dealer $20 for a eight ball.
05-27-2016, 02:10 AM
The human love centipede.
05-27-2016, 02:12 AM
If Haldrik really wanted you gone, he and his boyfriend Luntz wouldn't shit on your thread at all. They'd probably try to help you sale out so you'd go away. Nope, instead they are trying to make it harder for you to sale out. They obviously want you in their love triangle.

What's he have left to sale? Aethors leftovers?
05-27-2016, 02:17 AM
Aren't you tired of fighting with everyone in GS Kalros? You realize you're one of the most hated people in this game, right?
05-27-2016, 02:22 AM
Aren't you tired of fighting with everyone in GS Kalros? You realize you're one of the most hated people in this game, right?

Don't worry, you will always top me.
05-27-2016, 02:25 AM
Don't worry, you will always top me.

Did you just admit to being a bottom?
05-27-2016, 02:26 AM
Did you just admit to being a bottom?

Nah, I just want to shit all over Alastir.
05-27-2016, 02:37 AM
Nah, I just want to shit all over Alastir.

Confirmed.. Haldrik is into potty sex.
05-27-2016, 02:38 AM
Confirmed.. Haldrik is into potty sex.

Wanting to "shit all over someone does" != "into potty sex". Your logic is astounding.
05-27-2016, 03:48 AM
He stopped making money from merchanting because everyone realized what a scammer he is

I do recall you backing out on a character sale. Not sure why anyone would want to do business with you.

I can afford cocaine

I suppose if you have a uuuge habit it gets pricey, of course coke heads usually end up sucking dick for a fix in the end. You suck cock for coke bud?
05-27-2016, 03:52 AM
Kalros frequently backs out of deals. He also backed out of buying a pouch from Ardwen.
05-27-2016, 04:22 AM
Kalros frequently backs out of deals. He also backed out of buying a pouch from Ardwen.

Keep up the lies. You are real good at it. Small wonder none of your shit has sold yet.
05-27-2016, 04:24 AM
I do recall you backing out on a character sale. Not sure why anyone would want to do business with you.

I suppose if you have a uuuge habit it gets pricey, of course coke heads usually end up sucking dick for a fix in the end. You suck cock for coke bud?

Feel free to link the thread where you were being a cunt bitch and refused to merchant with some noob. I was simply returning your favor.
05-27-2016, 04:32 AM

Here, have some music for this wreck of a thread.
05-27-2016, 04:44 AM
Feel free to link the thread where you were being a cunt bitch and refused to merchant with some noob. I was simply returning your favor.

I would rather hear more stories about how bad ass you are.
05-27-2016, 04:50 AM
I would rather hear more stories about how bad ass you are.
05-27-2016, 04:55 AM
Sorry Zzyzx, I won't be entertaining your bid. It's nothing personal.

Oh so very cuntish, sorry and nothing personal.

You should put down the crack pipe, it's making you rage.
05-27-2016, 05:13 AM
05-27-2016, 05:27 AM
05-27-2016, 06:02 AM
05-27-2016, 06:21 AM
05-27-2016, 06:41 AM
Y'all are gay.
05-27-2016, 06:48 AM
Y'all are gay.
05-27-2016, 06:49 AM
Y'all are gay.
05-27-2016, 07:24 AM
05-27-2016, 07:28 AM
05-27-2016, 10:45 AM
He took a diamond. I took his life.

I don't see a problem here...
05-27-2016, 10:58 AM
I don't see a problem here...
06-06-2016, 05:25 PM
Empath has been sold.

Looks like SashFierce wasted no time in scrubbing any posts he can where people accused him of being a scammer.


03-03-2017, 11:59 PM


Own your shit. What a pussy move.

Geijon Khyree

03-04-2017, 12:00 AM

He got mod just to delete all the incriminating evidence for how horrible of a person he is.

He could end this forum.


03-04-2017, 12:02 AM

And another one:

05-12-2016, 01:19 AM
I wasn't going to out her, because I didn't want Kalros/Inspire to go obsessive stalker on her, but since she put it out there. Everyone should know:

"[LNet]-GSIV:Horwoo: "seriously....give it up....I have 0 remorse for selling it to Alastir....none, nada.....neither should you"

Horwoo was the person I bought the segment from.


Chat transcript for context:

[LNet]-GSIV:Horwoo: "anyone mind grabbing my corpse in the stronghold? room 3586"
[LNet]-GSIV:Zact: "i looked at that post , i dont see how you say they are swindlers"
[LNet]-GSIV:Fuaru: "lol"
[LNet]-GSIV:Tolan: "I think it has much to do with the fact that he wished he had gotten such a good deal, instead of someone else? That is all I take from it."
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "I found one, so my deal was better."
[LNet]-GSIV:Rudar: "Stoooopppp"
[LNet]-GSIV:Zact: "they conplaining cause they didnt get a piece of that pendant?"
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "No..."
[LNet]-GSIV:Iekid: "yeah i got one those pendants dropped at duskruin and sold it fer 25 million in less then 10 minutes after i got it"
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "It was a piece of shit move. If you don't understand it then you are also a piece of shit."
[LNet]-GSIV:Deochleir: "Polveiss! Quick! More Jack Handey quotes!"
[LNet]-GSIV:Zact: "all i see is the same post over and over , they both selling the same item , its not like a alt was bidding on it"
[LNet]-GSIV:Tolan: "What I understand is that your begrudging him and keeping the pointless drama going for days and days about something so few couldn't care less about is something a "piece of shit" would do."
[LNet]-GSIV:Terrant: "seriously...if the two parties involved in the transaction dont care...then shut the fuck up....quit tasting the butt hurt and move the fuck on"
[LNet]-GSIV:Rudar: "At least keep it on merchant?"
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "Actually, he kept talking shit to me about it, even when i tried to stop"
[LNet]-GSIV:Maylan: "no way. dont' spam that channel either"
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "He's really kept it going."
[LNet]-GSIV:Jara: "dude you're not stopping by having a bot spam the merchant every 45 minutes"
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "Once per hour. You complain about it more then that"
[LNet]-GSIV:Jara: "you're a fucking child"
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "So... really you are WORSE."
[LNet]-GSIV:Triex: "Regardless of what he did, your subsequent actions elevate you to a higher level of douchebaggery."
[LNet]-GSIV:Jara: "if you can't handle it just cancel your sub and go play world of warcraft"
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "Same to you Jara."
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "You seem to be the only upset one."
[LNet]-GSIV:Horwoo: "seriously....give it up....I have 0 remorse for selling it to Alastir....none, nada.....neither should you"
[LNet]-GSIV:Jara: "most of the population is starting to dislike your spams over the actual incident that occured"
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "I give zero fucks."
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "I'm going to kill LNET for awhile and enjoy the game for how it was meant to be played."
05-12-2016, 01:22 AM
Just stop please.

You two have been clogging up PC for days, and it's beyond absurd. I get that you're upset, and I get why. But please just stop dragging the rest of us into this.
05-12-2016, 01:24 AM
Just stop please.

You two have been clogging up PC for days, and it's beyond absurd. I get that you're upset, and I get why. But please just stop dragging the rest of us into this.

I hope you never have to defend yourself from someone attacking you.
05-12-2016, 01:25 AM
probably an alt.... who wouldn't have remorse for selling something for 1m when they could have had 50
05-12-2016, 01:26 AM
who wouldn't have remorse for selling something for 1m when they could have had 50

05-12-2016, 01:33 AM
I hope you never have to defend yourself from someone attacking you.

You have several different options to deal with this situation. You could have chosen to ignore Kalros on lnet. You could have chosen to ignore him on PC. You could have at least kept this pointless, immature feud contained to one thread like even the craziest SOBs on PC have managed to do.

Instead, you created two separate threads and clogged up LNET and PC for days to "defend" yourself.

At this point, you're not a victim, you're part of the problem.
05-12-2016, 01:39 AM
You have several different options to deal with this situation. You could have chosen to ignore Kalros on lnet. You could have chosen to ignore him on PC. You could have at least kept this pointless, immature feud contained to one thread like even the craziest SOBs on PC have managed to do.

Instead, you created two separate threads and clogged up LNET and PC for days to "defend" yourself.

At this point, you're not a victim, you're part of the problem.

I didn't say I was a victim, I trolled him every time he offered to pay 10m for a pendant. I never thought he would go full retard and do what he's doing though. I'm not going to ignore the fact that he fabricated a story to try to ruin me, sorry. You offer that as a suggestion, but I doubt you would either. Facts are easy to miss in a thread with 100+ replies and people like SonsoftheShitStirrers trolling. I created a new thread so facts can't be missed.

Horwoo being the seller was the last unknown factor in the story, I wasn't going to out her, but she commented in open LNet, so I felt it was alright to post her side of the story for the record.

The only person to blame for the non-stop idiocy is Kalros. He created this entire headache for everyone. He created the Scammer thread, he created the LNet spam bot, he's the one who talks about me all day long. I was gone all day today and me not saying anything hasn't put a stop to anything. If people want this to end, they're going to have to convince Kalros to stop being an idiot, which seems impossible.
05-12-2016, 01:46 AM
Facts are easy to miss in a thread with 100+ replies and people like SonsoftheShitStirrers trolling. I created a new thread so facts can't be missed.

How is getting someone/an alt/afriend on the internet to vouch for you a fact? I can have a character come on Lnet say I have a 18" cock. Doesn't make it a fact. I don't think Kalros is right I think him spamming lnet every hour about you being a scammer is annoying as fuck. But I was also reading lnet when this whole shitstorm started.

Fact. You bought golvern segment for 1m and bragged about it.
Fact. You then proceeded to call Kalros a cheap bastard for only offering 10m for a pendant.
Fact. Kalros is jealous and butthurt and over-reacts and starts this shitstorm.
Fact. You post some highly suspect emails from Wyrom that he went out of his way to email you about being a cheapskate on the unofficial forums.
Fact. You have some random character on lnet appear a week later to say they don't give a fuck and wipe their ass with 50m silver and call it a fact.
05-12-2016, 01:53 AM
Fact. Alastir chugs nards.
05-12-2016, 02:04 AM
I didn't say I was a victim, I trolled him every time he offered to pay 10m for a pendant.

The only person to blame for the non-stop idiocy is Kalros.

05-12-2016, 02:04 AM
Just stop please.

You two have been clogging up PC for days, and it's beyond absurd. I get that you're upset, and I get why. But please just stop dragging the rest of us into this.

Gold. People are tired of hearing you endlessly spam merchant for high end OHB's. You're not part of the solution either. Pot, I'd like you to meet kettle.
05-12-2016, 02:05 AM
[LNet]-GSIV:Viperyon: "Attention people of Lnet. Alastir really bought the golvern segment from me and told me it was only worth 10-20 bloodscrip but he would pay a million for it because he wanted to be the first to finish his worthless fluff item and has one of his alts or friends pretending he got it from them and has been avoiding me ever since." (22:56:07)
05-12-2016, 02:16 AM
[LNet]-GSIV:Viperyon: "Attention people of Lnet. Alastir really bought the golvern segment from me and told me it was only worth 10-20 bloodscrip but he would pay a million for it because he wanted to be the first to finish his worthless fluff item and has one of his alts or friends pretending he got it from them and has been avoiding me ever since." (22:56:07)

Why the fuck don't you guys just fucking stop, fucking fags. Fuck sake dude, you have been a dick from day one.
05-12-2016, 02:20 AM
I'd like to give her a note for many many millions of silvers if anyone could point her in my direction, if I don't catch her first. I think I found her PC account but I'm not sure if it's hers or not. So if you know her personally, and can send her my way, I would appreciate it.

Isn't paying her off kind of like admitting you did something wrong? She offered to sell an item. You offered to buy said item. She asked you to name a price, you named one, she sold you the item. Both parties were happy. Can't we just let it drop now?


Gold. People are tired of hearing you endlessly spam merchant for high end OHB's. You're not part of the solution either. Pot, I'd like you to meet kettle.

Isn't that what merchant is for? It's for merchants. Merchanting. Buying and selling. The fuck else do you want on that channel? Keep spamming, Vishra! Someday I will have an OHB worthy of your attention and I will take aaaaaaaaaaaaall of your money.

Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha :devil:
05-12-2016, 02:27 AM
Someday I will have an OHB worthy of your attention and I will take aaaaaaaaaaaaall of your money.

Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha :devil:

Or just 1 mil and the cycle will begin again.
05-12-2016, 02:36 AM
Isn't that what merchant is for? It's for merchants. Merchanting. Buying and selling. The fuck else do you want on that channel? Keep spamming, Vishra! Someday I will have an OHB worthy of your attention and I will take aaaaaaaaaaaaall of your money.

Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha :devil:

Is it? I'd think eventually either you find what you're looking for, or you give up, or you cycle in new items for sale or ISO for purchase.

The same request for the same sort of items day after day seems to be precisely the sort of desperation she (or he) rails against.
05-12-2016, 07:51 AM
Just stop please.

You two have been clogging up PC for days, and it's beyond absurd. I get that you're upset, and I get why. But please just stop dragging the rest of us into this.

"clogging"? Just bypass the thread. It isn't like you have to read through it to access other threads.
05-12-2016, 08:44 AM
How is getting someone/an alt/afriend on the internet to vouch for you a fact? I can have a character come on Lnet say I have a 18" cock. Doesn't make it a fact. I don't think Kalros is right I think him spamming lnet every hour about you being a scammer is annoying as fuck. But I was also reading lnet when this whole shitstorm started.

Fact. You bought golvern segment for 1m and bragged about it.
Fact. You then proceeded to call Kalros a cheap bastard for only offering 10m for a pendant.
Fact. Kalros is jealous and butthurt and over-reacts and starts this shitstorm.
Fact. You post some highly suspect emails from Wyrom that he went out of his way to email you about being a cheapskate on the unofficial forums.
Fact. You have some random character on lnet appear a week later to say they don't give a fuck and wipe their ass with 50m silver and call it a fact.

Fact: I do indeed have an 18" cock.
05-12-2016, 08:48 AM
Fact: I do indeed have an 18" cock.

Fact: It is an inny and extends into his own abdomen.
05-12-2016, 08:55 AM
Why the fuck don't you guys just fucking stop, fucking fags. Fuck sake dude, you have been a dick from day one.

lol truth. It's Haldrik though. The guy is so insecure that he was trolled into bringing down the anonymous rep system here on pc that has stood the test of time. That's an amazing level of bitch. I see no end in sight.
05-12-2016, 08:58 AM
lol truth. It's Haldrik though. The guy is so insecure that he was trolled into bringing down the anonymous rep system here on pc that has stood the test of time. That's an amazing level of bitch. I see no end in sight.

That wasn't Haldrik. That was ltlprprincess.
05-12-2016, 09:05 AM
Fact: It is an inny and extends into his own abdomen.

Still counts!
05-12-2016, 09:40 AM
If PendantGate wasn't so hilariously pathetic I might get worried about humanity.

Keep it coming guys I have some popcorn left...
05-12-2016, 10:15 AM
That wasn't Haldrik. That was ltlprprincess.

You weren't even posting then. It was Haldrik.
05-12-2016, 10:23 AM
Before this I mainly remember Haldrik as the Undead Jesus Fuck guy who went back and deleted his logs because he was a baby backed bitch when people made fun of him.
05-12-2016, 10:25 AM
You weren't even posting then. It was Haldrik.

Yes I was, and no it wasn't. He made the automated script thing for it, but it was Ltlprprincess that discovered how to see who did left the rep.
05-12-2016, 10:27 AM
Yes I was, and no it wasn't. He made the automated script thing for it, but it was Ltlprprincess that discovered how to see who did left the rep.

I'm not going to argue with you because you're always right, so whatever.
05-12-2016, 10:28 AM
I'm not going to argue with you because you're always right, so whatever.

I'm actually looking for the thread. It happened like the day after I came back. It was posted because Grimreapr or whatever was rep stalking Maetriks or some shit. Zaigh posted it up.
05-12-2016, 10:34 AM
I'm actually looking for the thread. It happened like the day after I came back. It was posted because Grimreapr or whatever was rep stalking Maetriks or some shit. Zaigh posted it up.

Quit being bad at the internet:
05-12-2016, 10:36 AM
Quit being bad at the internet:

Haha, I was trying to find the actual thread....!!!!-THE-REP-TURE!-Post-your-worst-rep-comments! - That was made after she posted that in Respond to Rep comments - That was a day later.

Stop being wrong about everything, Wrathbringer.
05-12-2016, 11:05 AM
How is getting someone/an alt/afriend on the internet to vouch for you a fact? I can have a character come on Lnet say I have a 18" cock. Doesn't make it a fact. I don't think Kalros is right I think him spamming lnet every hour about you being a scammer is annoying as fuck. But I was also reading lnet when this whole shitstorm started.

Fact. You bought golvern segment for 1m and bragged about it.
Fact. You then proceeded to call Kalros a cheap bastard for only offering 10m for a pendant.
Fact. Kalros is jealous and butthurt and over-reacts and starts this shitstorm.
Fact. You post some highly suspect emails from Wyrom that he went out of his way to email you about being a cheapskate on the unofficial forums.
Fact. You have some random character on lnet appear a week later to say they don't give a fuck and wipe their ass with 50m silver and call it a fact.

Unlikely. If he were prone to that kind of deception, I think he would have done so sooner. Besides, he opens himself up to looking ridiculous if the actual seller comes forward.
05-12-2016, 12:57 PM
It's a shame we don't have a moderator to tell these two to shut up and slap fight in PMs.
05-12-2016, 01:03 PM
It's a shame we don't have a moderator to tell these two to shut up and slap fight in PMs.

They basically have stopped. Either way, no mods is good mods. Look at threads from the HarmNone days, you don't want that. If you want intense moderation, the officials exist.
05-12-2016, 01:05 PM
They basically have stopped. Either way, no mods is good mods. Look at threads from the HarmNone days, you don't want that. If you want intense moderation, the officials exist.

Not intense moderation but just some.
05-12-2016, 01:08 PM
Not intense moderation but just some.

Meh, nah. I mean, you can always just not open the threads.
05-12-2016, 01:09 PM
Meh, nah. I mean, you can always just not open the threads.

Fair point. My counter point is your mother is a whore. Response?
05-12-2016, 01:09 PM
Not intense moderation but just some.

Some moderate moderation?
05-12-2016, 01:09 PM
Some moderate moderation?

Some light moderate moderation.
05-12-2016, 01:09 PM
Fair point. My counter point is your mother is a whore. Response?

I am your father.
05-12-2016, 01:11 PM
I am your father.

You are both my mother and my father.
05-12-2016, 01:12 PM
You are both my mother and my father.

No, I don't believe in having multiple genders.
05-12-2016, 01:35 PM
No, I don't believe in having multiple genders.

05-12-2016, 01:53 PM
05-12-2016, 02:06 PM
By posting in a thread, you automatically subscribe to it.
05-12-2016, 02:25 PM
Cats are the most popular pet in the United States: There are 88 million pet cats and 74 million dogs.
05-12-2016, 02:28 PM
Cats are the most popular pet in the United States: There are 88 million pet cats and 74 million dogs.

Cats are the gayest pet in the United States, there are 88 million faggots.

Also, In the United States, a 2007–2008 survey showed that dog-owning households outnumbered those owning cats, but that the total number of pet cats was higher than that of dogs.

So no, Dogs are more popular.
05-12-2016, 02:36 PM
Thread: Golvern Segment Fiasco - Sellers Response to Haldrik/Kalros
Call me mr homo, mumz - Mumblz

Okay, you're Mr Homo.
05-12-2016, 02:46 PM
There are cats who have survived falls from over 32 stories (320 meters) onto concrete.
05-12-2016, 03:14 PM
Cats are the most popular pet in the United States: There are 88 million pet cats and 74 million dogs.

I wouldn't read much into that mostly because cats are lower maintenance and require less room to care for so more people who might otherwise choose a dog instead opt for a cat.

I don't know, sounded like a reasonable argument in my head. Don't bludgeon me with googled links contradicting my premise.
05-12-2016, 03:15 PM
A group of cats is called a clowder.
05-12-2016, 03:22 PM
I wouldn't read much into that mostly because cats are lower maintenance and require less room to care for so more people who might otherwise choose a dog instead opt for a cat.

I don't know, sounded like a reasonable argument in my head. Don't bludgeon me with googled links contradicting my premise.

More people have dogs than people have cats. It is just cat people have more cats than dog people have dogs. So dogs are the most popular pet. :)
05-12-2016, 03:25 PM
Unlike a group of clams which is called chowder.
05-12-2016, 03:34 PM
More people have dogs than people have cats. It is just cat people have more cats than dog people have dogs. So dogs are the most popular pet. :)

A lot of apartments don't allow dogs, but will allow cats. I know mine does, hence, I have two cats. Would love a dog tho.
05-12-2016, 03:37 PM
A lot of apartments don't allow dogs, but will allow cats. I know mine does, hence, I have two cats. Would love a dog tho.

When I lived in an apartment they allowed either, but the pet deposit for a cat was cheaper. Still, got the dog instead. Got a small one though, because I didn't feel it was right to have a large dog in an apartment.
05-12-2016, 03:38 PM
When I lived in an apartment they allowed either, but the pet deposit for a cat was cheaper. Still, got the dog instead. Got a small one though, because I didn't feel it was right to have a large dog in an apartment.

Well, I didn't say all apartments.
05-12-2016, 03:39 PM
Cats have over 20 muscles that control their ears.
05-12-2016, 03:43 PM
Well, I didn't say all apartments.

Oh, I know. I was just sharing how mine was.
05-12-2016, 04:29 PM
I think Cats Georg needs to be taken into consideration, since we all actually know a few.
05-12-2016, 05:07 PM
Cats sleep 70% of their lives.
Grim Reaper
05-12-2016, 06:23 PM
I'm actually looking for the thread. It happened like the day after I came back. It was posted because Grimreapr or whatever was rep stalking Maetriks or some shit. Zaigh posted it up.

To be fair it wasn't even rep stalking. The whole thing was blown out of proportion. It was simply an act of random trolling. It's not like people have not been trolling on PC since creation. Truth be told I have nothing against them, or anyone else in the community whatsoever.
05-12-2016, 06:24 PM
A cat has been mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, for 15 years. His name is Stubbs.
05-12-2016, 06:27 PM
I like cats better
05-12-2016, 08:01 PM
05-12-2016, 08:05 PM
Cats can’t taste sweetness.
05-12-2016, 10:46 PM
If you die, your cat will eat your corpse


03-04-2017, 12:05 AM

So...Where we goin guys?

Don't tell McGyver


03-04-2017, 12:06 AM

My first stop was to send an email to Wyrom mentioning casually that Alastir was over here waving his dick around saying that he was chosen to assist him, which has about a 0% chance of being true in the first place considering the headaches Alastir has caused the actual Simu staff with his BS.


03-04-2017, 12:08 AM

Another deleted thread that only Google cache can show?

Scam Alert - SashaFierce / Alastir
Original link that doesn't work anymore:



03-04-2017, 12:10 AM

And another one. Although to be fair this might be the one BigWorm mentioned.

Last edited by Orp; 05-10-2016 at 01:24 AM.

Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.

05-10-2016, 01:35 AM #222
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Quote Originally Posted by drauz View Post
God Damned Jews and their talent for the silver screen.

Teuta, The Pirate Queen (Not Jack Whisper)

"have at it crackhead bob." ~ Sashafierce

05-10-2016, 02:13 AM #223

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[Merchant]-GSIV:Kalros: "Looking for +7 bonus orbs. let me know what ya got"
[Merchant]-GSIV:Elyina: "Beware! Alastir is a known scammer. See"
[Merchant]-GSIV:Eshielle: "Wow, a post from a guy who hates Alastir saying he's a scammer. How reliable."
[Merchant]-GSIV:Eshielle: "wait... 9000 fame... Kalros you shifty sam did you make a new character just so you could get a link to all the people who already have you ignored?"
[Merchant]-GSIV:Kalros: "clearly a mule Eshielle."
[Merchant]-GSIV:Elyina: "SCAMMER ALERT: Alastir/Sashafierce will do ANYTHING to make a dollar. Proof here!"
[Merchant]-GSIV:Elyina: "SCAMMER ALERT: Alastir/Sashafierce will do ANYTHING to make a dollar. Proof here!"
[Merchant]-GSIV:Elyina: "SCAMMER ALERT: Alastir/Sashafierce will do ANYTHING to make a dollar. Proof here!"

He's now creating F2P alts to spam the merchant channel since I have him ignored.

I apologize for anyone that is annoyed by his full retard mode.

05-10-2016, 02:13 AM #224
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Quote Originally Posted by SashaFierce View Post
[Merchant]-GSIV:Kalros: "Looking for +7 bonus orbs. let me know what ya got"
[Merchant]-GSIV:Elyina: "Beware! Alastir is a known scammer. See"
[Merchant]-GSIV:Eshielle: "Wow, a post from a guy who hates Alastir saying he's a scammer. How reliable."
[Merchant]-GSIV:Eshielle: "wait... 9000 fame... Kalros you shifty sam did you make a new character just so you could get a link to all the people who already have you ignored?"
[Merchant]-GSIV:Kalros: "clearly a mule Eshielle."
[Merchant]-GSIV:Elyina: "SCAMMER ALERT: Alastir/Sashafierce will do ANYTHING to make a dollar. Proof here!"
[Merchant]-GSIV:Elyina: "SCAMMER ALERT: Alastir/Sashafierce will do ANYTHING to make a dollar. Proof here!"
[Merchant]-GSIV:Elyina: "SCAMMER ALERT: Alastir/Sashafierce will do ANYTHING to make a dollar. Proof here!"

He's now creating F2P alts to spam the merchant channel since I have him ignored.

I apologize for anyone that is annoyed by his full retard mode.
Just creating a script to match yours. You spam me, I'll fuck you back. Simple math. Do you not understand how the world works? You fuck with me, I fuck with you. This isn't a "Alastir can do whatever he wants with no repercussions."

I was legit done with you til you spammed my merchant chats at least 5 times tonight. Or did you forget about that? Convenient.

And posting a message every hour isn't spamming. Or you would be banned a loooong time ago.
Are you coming here to cry for some back-up from the circle jerk crew?

Last edited by Haldrik; 05-10-2016 at 02:17 AM.

Tired of script checks?

Want to see who neg repped you?

05-10-2016, 02:19 AM #225
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Quote Originally Posted by Haldrik View Post
Just creating a script to match yours. You spam me, I'll fuck you back. Simple math. Do you not understand how the world works? You fuck with me, I fuck with you. This isn't a "Alastir can do whatever he wants with no repercussions."

I was legit done with you til you spammed my merchant chats at least 5 times tonight. Or did you forget about that? Convenient.

And posting a message every hour isn't spamming. Or you would be banned a loooong time ago.
Are you coming here to cry for some back-up from the circle jerk crew?

This is seriously starting to get funny.

This space for sale.

Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
We have to count our blessings that we enjoy freedom of speech without fear of oppression in this county.
(When you can't answer a question for fear of making you or your savior look bad)

05-10-2016, 02:26 AM #226
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Quote Originally Posted by Jarvan View Post
This is seriously starting to get funny.
No. No it's not.

Quote Originally Posted by Lord Orbstar View Post
You artsy left brain using commie fuck.
You see a fairly typical mom that is lying down.

You suddenly slap Haliste with the flat edge of your claidhmore. Bet she didn't expect that!

05-10-2016, 02:38 AM #227
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Quote Originally Posted by Haldrik View Post
Just creating a script to match yours. You spam me, I'll fuck you back. Simple math. Do you not understand how the world works? You fuck with me, I fuck with you. This isn't a "Alastir can do whatever he wants with no repercussions."

I was legit done with you til you spammed my merchant chats at least 5 times tonight. Or did you forget about that? Convenient.

And posting a message every hour isn't spamming. Or you would be banned a loooong time ago.
Are you coming here to cry for some back-up from the circle jerk crew?
Both of you just:

05-10-2016, 02:47 AM #228
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Quote Originally Posted by Astray View Post
No. No it's not.
It's more..

05-10-2016, 02:58 AM #229
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Haldrik is offline Senior Member

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Sep 2009


Quote Originally Posted by Haldrik View Post
Okay, here's the deal. I still don't think Alastir is right but apparently this has turned into such a shit-show/issue that people have been emailing Wyrom. And he felt the need to send an email to Alastir. GM's have better shit to do then read emails regarding LNET threads. I'd rather them be doing GM stuff.

So let's call this done. I'll stop poking the bear and let's try and move on with our lives.
And then....

[Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "PSA: empty duskruin pendants have sold for 25 million silvers" (20:56:53)
Line 22482: [Merchant]-You: "Paying 20m for an empty DR pendant." (21:27:34)
Line 22537: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "PSA: empty duskruin pendants have sold for 25 million silvers" (21:27:51)

Line 1263: [Merchant]-You: "Looking for a DR pendant. 20m" (21:45:26)
Line 1320: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "PSA: empty duskruin pendants have sold for 25 million silvers" (21:45:39)
Line 2526: [Merchant]-You: "buying a DR pendant. 5 0 0 0 0million coppers" (21:54:20)
Line 2537: [Merchant]-You: "buying a DR pendant. 20m" (21:54:35)
Line 2539: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "PSA: empty duskruin pendants have sold for 25 million silvers" (21:54:42)

Tired of script checks?

Want to see who neg repped you?

Yeah this one was like a 40+ page thread. All gone now.


03-04-2017, 12:10 AM

I feel like the PC is now a metaphor for the Trump presidency.


03-04-2017, 12:11 AM

He was saying weird shit about Wyrom emailing him in that deleted thread Tgo01 pulled up too if memory serves right. Probably why he deleted it,


03-04-2017, 12:17 AM

I realize it's a bit circular, but if you were a good mod you would realize you're a bad mod. The last posts you should be deleting are ones critical of you.

Have you been in contact with any Russian officials? Their proganda machine is legit.


03-04-2017, 12:18 AM

05-09-2016, 07:06 PM
From: GameMaster Wyrom []
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2016 3:02 PM
To: Me
Subject: Segment Fiasco

Hey Alastir,

Just wanted to let you know, saw the comments on the PC, as well as had a few emails about the situation come my way. Typically I don't really get involved with these things, but wanted to drop you a note. A good point to bring up here is that no one really knew just how rare that piece was at the time. And since I followed the first pendant through completion, I was curious how it would play out.

I've made a number of pets and collectibles at events. The will-o'-wisp at Coraesine Field, for example, I thought would be worth far more than they ended up selling for in the player markets. But we can never know how desired or coveted something will be, we can just try to control the rarity.

Anyway, just giving you a heads up that I don't think what you did was wrong.



03-04-2017, 12:19 AM

Can we get Wyrom to confirm if this email took place and if so what's going on between him and SashaFierce behind the scenes?


03-04-2017, 12:29 AM

If you wanted a custom title all you had to do was PM Anticor. No money needed. (Tisket you noob)


03-04-2017, 12:31 AM

I donated money because he was having trouble paying for his service provider. The title was just a bonus.


03-04-2017, 12:36 AM

I want a Master Fisherman title, since they are taking forever to add one for me in premium :)

Master Fisherman

I like it and I approve this message. Lets make Beldannon great again


03-04-2017, 12:37 AM

Now we see how deep the rabbit hole goes, as deep as Alastir's gaped anus, apparently. I'm sure he'll try to blame all those deleted threads on me being a jerk who hurt his feelings one time.


03-04-2017, 12:41 AM

I donated money because he was having trouble paying for his service provider. The title was just a bonus.

When was this? Last time I checked Kranar was making zillions of dollars.


03-04-2017, 12:45 AM

I don't remember exactly, maybe ten years ago? He had a PC drive, I donated a hundred bucks and that's all I remember.


03-04-2017, 12:46 AM

It was probably closer to my start date if you don't remember it.

Some Rogue

03-04-2017, 01:28 AM

It was probably closer to my start date if you don't remember it.

Not many on here that old. :lol:


03-04-2017, 01:37 AM

Not many on here that old. :lol:

March 8th, baby, March 8th!


03-04-2017, 02:15 AM


03-04-2017, 02:31 AM

As you folks are digging up more modified threads I am leaning farther against this decision by Kranar, question is, does any of us actually still maintain contact with him. I would be happy with Whirlin as a choice, hell, if it helped maintain the status quo I'd do it since I seem to be acceptable to you crazy folks.


03-04-2017, 02:36 AM

Kranar email addresses:


03-04-2017, 02:37 AM

As you folks are digging up more modified threads I am leaning farther against this decision by Kranar, question is, does any of us actually still maintain contact with him. I would be happy with Whirlin as a choice, hell, if it helped maintain the status quo I'd do it since I seem to be acceptable to you crazy folks.

I've only ever messaged him once like a year or two ago and he replied back then. Not sure how much he pays attention to us anymore.


03-04-2017, 02:39 AM

I think Kranar had good intentions but wasn't aware of what a putz he was promoting.

Or he was hacked and isn't aware what's up.


03-04-2017, 02:46 AM

For now, I'll continue to monitor for scams and update the merchant feedback: cash transactions thread as needed.

What happened to monitoring for scams and updating merchant feedback? Seems like you're trying to whitewash your own history, instead of keeping your word.

Some Rogue

03-04-2017, 03:21 AM

March 8th, baby, March 8th!
Going old school just for you....


03-04-2017, 07:40 AM

Don't forget, somehow SF is also the moderator of the stream chat for simucon as well.
It's clear he's tangled with Simutronics in a way that I'm not entirely trustworthy of. If simutronics does not have the tools to properly police its users without a third party forum, that speaks volumes to how behind the times the company is. Case in point: The password update where it didnt matter about case sensativity. Simutronics should have no official interactions with this forum, at all. I further suspect that Wyrom coming around to post and discussion issues was under the ruse of getting in good and filling in the holes of security tools that he lacks on the official side. Most likely this is IP information, any system ID information passed back and forth through cookies or other fingerprint information that he is not able to collect.


03-04-2017, 08:04 AM

The very fact the on-site PM is wading in here on a semi-official capacity never sat well with me in the first place, but because he had previous ties to the PC I was about to turn a blind eye to it all. However, with recent revelations on this thread this is turning into trumpesque intrigue and I'm now suspect what the ties are between this site, Simu, and this Alastir? Inspire? SashaForce person.

I have no idea who these people are before the SF mod affair but after digging it's becoming unsettling to say the least. Someone please just say I'm being paranoid and it's really not this bad.


03-04-2017, 08:06 AM

Wyrom has said multiple times that official dealings will only be dealt with on officials and his cross posts are to provide clarification.

This forum is not exclusive in its membership so if he is able to join and abide by forum rules there should be nothing stopping him. That he used his official name just IDs him, he could have just created a random name and just quietly watched.

The last part about gathering personal information is pretty inflammatory as speculation given the criminal implications it could have for himself and the company.


03-04-2017, 08:09 AM

Say whatever you want, in any thread you want, except for the thread I created to manage feedback about cash transactions. I want it to stay drama free so it can be easily referenced by the PC community and Wyrom, with whom I have provided relevant PC information to, in order to help resolve the scamming issue that has been taking place lately.

I have no plans to moderate the PC.

You are free to say whatever you want, to whomever you want in any thread but that one. If Luntz feels the need to say mean things to/about me, he can use any of the other threads to do so.

Just as a general FYI, I cannot see your PM's, I cannot see your passwords. I don't have access to any "sensitive" information but I do have tools available that will help to prevent scamming.

Then we need to know the specifics of what information is being passed back and forth.


03-04-2017, 08:10 AM

Wyrom puts fluoride in the water and it's turnin' all the frogs gay.


03-04-2017, 08:22 AM

Then we need to know the specifics of what information is being passed back and forth.

We shouldn't be given this information, as it would then allow the scammers to know and react to it in a way that they could circumvent what protection there now is in place.


03-04-2017, 08:25 AM

As you folks are digging up more modified threads I am leaning farther against this decision by Kranar, question is, does any of us actually still maintain contact with him. I would be happy with Whirlin as a choice, hell, if it helped maintain the status quo I'd do it since I seem to be acceptable to you crazy folks.

You are one of the most level headed guys I know.. and by level, I mean you lean to the left.

I would whole heartedly endorse you for Super Administrator.


03-04-2017, 08:28 AM

We shouldn't be given this information, as it would then allow the scammers to know and react to it in a way that they could circumvent what protection there now is in place.

Security through obscurity is not security. Without knowing exactly what information is being passed back and forth there is no way to be sure it's not something sensitive that could have large ramifications.


03-04-2017, 08:30 AM

Security through obscurity is not security. Without knowing exactly what information is being passed back and forth there is no way to be sure it's not something sensitive that could have large ramifications.

But that's not something the general public should be made aware of. It's something site admins should be in charge of knowing.


03-04-2017, 08:52 AM

Yup. Holy shit.

He also apparently deleted this thread for some reason:

All I can see from Google is:

Originally Posted by SashaFierce View Post. 1. Capped DElf Sorc - makes 2m a week easily (8m+ per month). Gotta sell Teclys after starting a ...

Ah ha, I found a Google cache of this elsewhere:

Looks like SashFierce wasted no time in scrubbing any posts he can where people accused him of being a scammer.

Another deleted thread that only Google cache can show?

Scam Alert - SashaFierce / Alastir
Original link that doesn't work anymore:


And another one. Although to be fair this might be the one BigWorm mentioned.

Nails in the coffin here. If it wasn't obvious before, this blatant behavior is cementing SashaFierce in as a shit moderator.


03-04-2017, 08:55 AM

But that's not something the general public should be made aware of. It's something site admins should be in charge of knowing.

A third party, unaffiliated website, is transmitting unknown information to a company that you pay money to play. If you are comfortable with not knowing exactly what is being sent, thats on you. I am not comfortable with that arrangement, undocumented or agreed upon. There is also nothing in the Terms of Service that allows simutronics to collect information from third party sources that anyone agreed to.


03-04-2017, 09:27 AM

The very fact the on-site PM is wading in here on a semi-official capacity never sat well with me in the first place, but because he had previous ties to the PC I was about to turn a blind eye to it all. However, with recent revelations on this thread this is turning into trumpesque intrigue and I'm now suspect what the ties are between this site, Simu, and this Alastir? Inspire? SashaForce person.

I have no idea who these people are before the SF mod affair but after digging it's becoming unsettling to say the least. Someone please just say I'm being paranoid and it's really not this bad.

Wyrom is not on-site. I highly doubt there's a conspiracy. However, Sasha is the wrong choice for moderator due to the extremes he's gone to with Haldrik and the other reasons presented. I also think Sasha should tell everyone how he became moderator.

I thought many had agreed Velfi would be a good mood.

I've sent Kranar a couple of emails in the past year and he has not been unresponsive in terms of action. I trust Kranar's intentions, but think that maybe he was too busy to think through the decision. I would never say he didn't care about the PC.


03-04-2017, 09:32 AM

Wyrom is not on-site. I highly doubt there's a conspiracy. However, Sasha is the wrong choice for moderator due to the extremes he's gone to with Haldrik and the other reasons presented. I also think Sasha should tell everyone how he became moderator.

I thought many had agreed Velfi would be a good mood.

I've sent Kranar a couple of emails in the past year and he has not been unresponsive in terms of action. I trust Kranar's intentions, but think that maybe he was too busy to think through the decision. I would never say he didn't care about the PC.

I keep getting Viekn and Velfi confused. I was going to laugh at you for suggesting Viekn being a mod of any sort.. but I have no issues with Velfi being a mod.


03-04-2017, 09:40 AM

A third party, unaffiliated website, is transmitting unknown information to a company that you pay money to play. If you are comfortable with not knowing exactly what is being sent, thats on you. I am not comfortable with that arrangement, undocumented or agreed upon. There is also nothing in the Terms of Service that allows simutronics to collect information from third party sources that anyone agreed to.

There's also nothing forcing you to use the PC. That said, the only time I've ever seen Wyrom step in over here is when it was directly related to Simu losing money, i.e. Scammer using stolen cc info for GoAs.


03-04-2017, 09:42 AM

I keep getting Viekn and Velfi confused. I was going to laugh at you for suggesting Viekn being a mod of any sort.. but I have no issues with Velfi being a mod.

For once, you and I are in complete agreement here PB. I am definitely not appropriate and I'd also vote for Velfi.


03-04-2017, 09:43 AM

That said, the only time I've ever seen Wyrom step in over here is when it was directly related to Simu losing money, i.e. Scammer using stolen cc info for GoAs.

That's not true. He's waded in here several times to clarify matters of game development and changes happening.


03-04-2017, 09:49 AM

There's also nothing forcing you to use the PC. That said, the only time I've ever seen Wyrom step in over here is when it was directly related to Simu losing money, i.e. Scammer using stolen cc info for GoAs.

I also didn't agree that simutronics could gather information from third party websites about me.


03-04-2017, 09:50 AM

I don't care about Wyrom posting here, SashaFierce feeding him weird information/implying he has the batphone to Wyrom all the time is sketchy though.


03-04-2017, 09:52 AM

I like how Alastir has all this time to delete his history and any criticism of himself by others, was deleting my posts yesterday within seconds of me making them, yet he hasn't bothered to respond to half of the legitimate complaints in this thread. Still trying to blame all your passive aggressive psycho shit on the fact that I called you some names a couple times?


03-04-2017, 10:07 AM

That's not true. He's waded in here several times to clarify matters of game development and changes happening.

Clarification is different from taking actual action though.


03-04-2017, 10:16 AM

Clarification is different from taking actual action though.

Say whatever you want, in any thread you want, except for the thread I created to manage feedback about cash transactions. I want it to stay drama free so it can be easily referenced by the PC community and Wyrom, with whom I have provided relevant PC information to, in order to help resolve the scamming issue that has been taking place lately.

I have no plans to moderate the PC.

You are free to say whatever you want, to whomever you want in any thread but that one. If Luntz feels the need to say mean things to/about me, he can use any of the other threads to do so.

Just as a general FYI, I cannot see your PM's, I cannot see your passwords. I don't have access to any "sensitive" information but I do have tools available that will help to prevent scamming.

Wyrom, with whom I have provided relevant PC information to

I don't have access to any "sensitive" information but I do have tools available that will help to prevent scamming

These two statements dont jive with me. If there is no official interaction with the PC and Simutronics Wyrom needs to address that ASAP. If there is, it needs to be disclosed and exactly what is being shared needs to be revealed so that people can make an informed decision about their continued business with either entity.


03-04-2017, 10:18 AM

Wyrom, with whom I have provided relevant PC information to

I don't have access to any "sensitive" information but I do have tools available that will help to prevent scamming

These two statements dont jive with me. If there is no official interaction with the PC and Simutronics Wyrom needs to address that ASAP. If there is, it needs to be disclosed and exactly what is being shared needs to be revealed so that people can make an informed decision about their continued business with either entity.

To be honest, I think Sashafierce is full of shit in this regard.


03-04-2017, 10:24 AM

Say whatever you want, in any thread you want, except for the thread I created to manage feedback about cash transactions.
Well we've already proven this isn't true. You did not stick to just the cash transaction feedback thread. You've deleted whole threads that contain negativity toward you.

I've never had an issue with you in-game or regarding merchanting, but you are an absolutely wrong choice to moderate here. Do the right thing and recuse yourself.


03-04-2017, 10:45 AM

You have a mod here who's deleting, aka destroying all the incriminating paper trail before the feds bust down his door, supposedly collecting third party possibly sensitive info for the top Simu guy of Gemstone and this is not even the slightest bit unsettling?

I think the site owner and at least Wyrom needs to step in and clear things up. I trust Wyrom explicitly and I just don't believe that he would've given his blessing to this less than perfect moderator. Further so, since this moderator is an active Gemstone player who does use the PC for cash transactions and thus would have a deep bias when moderating.

I think all this really needs is some clarity, not saying any conspiracy is happening, just a bit of sunshine will help calm everyone here.


03-04-2017, 10:52 AM

There's plenty of folks out there like Ardwen and such who are active and use the PC for cash/silver transactions but can also step back and not overreact in situations. These are the people that should be made a mod if they so want. I'd rather have a moderator who's active in the game and community as a positive influence.


03-04-2017, 10:55 AM

Security through obscurity is not security. Without knowing exactly what information is being passed back and forth there is no way to be sure it's not something sensitive that could have large ramifications.

The information that can be passed isn't a need to know situation. The less information available to the general public about how to work around the system so they can scam people, the better.


03-04-2017, 11:00 AM

I was wearing a tinfoil hat before it was cool.


03-04-2017, 11:02 AM

The information that can be passed isn't a need to know situation. The less information available to the general public about how to work around the system so they can scam people, the better.

Instead of responding to this, how about you man up and respond to why you've been scrubbing anything negative about yourself off of the forums?


03-04-2017, 11:03 AM

Instead of responding to this, how about you man up and respond to why you've been scrubbing anything negative about yourself off of the forums?

Because it doesn't exist! How can he possibly address something that never existed in the first place? C'mon man.

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Complaints about SashaFierce as Moderator [Archive] (2025)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

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